Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Obama Lawlessness Needs To Be Stopped

The future depends on it.

Hey folks,

I never called for Bill Clinton to be impeached. He committed impeachable acts, lying to congress, etc. But I, for the most part, believe that the way the people should deal with a Politician they do not agree with is in the ballot box. At the Voting Booth. I have never been one to go around and say this one or that one needs to be impeached. However, I'm starting to change my mind on Obama.

I told you who this guy was and what he was about for a year leading up to the elections. I have been telling you what the new liberalism is all about for years. Complete lawlessness. They do not care about you. They do not care about the country. They do not care about the rule of law. They simple care about whatever their agendas are, and they will carry out those agendas, by any means necessary.

I want you to think about this. This is no longer political. This is no longer a Right vs Left thing. This is now for the very future of this country. Think about the next President. The next ten. Think about the doors Obama is opening here. Think about who will walk through them in the future.

Here is what I mean. Bush opened the door for Obama. The Bank bailouts were unconstitutional. They were wrong. They should have never happened. But they did. No one stood up and stopped it. So in walks Obama. He starts bailing out everyone. Banks, Car companies, Solar companies. ETC. Bush's little six to eight hundred billion dollar bailout, turned in to trillions. It opened the door for Obama to do far worse, and even take over private industries. All because no one stopped Bush. Keep this in mind as we go forward in the conversation.

So Obama decides he hates the coal and oil industry. He decides that he is going to use the scam that is "man-made global warming" to obtain power, control, and of course, all that money. So he comes right out and says, "I will bankrupt the coal industry." "Your electric bill will necessarily skyrocket under my cap and tax plan." He does it. However, congress is not as willing. So? Forget congress. I'll give the EPA power to enforce the things I want done. A three judge panel just said OK. So now we have a non-elected group of people, with total authority over private business and private lives. They answer to no one. They can now do whatever they want.

Obama decides, you know what? I do not like this process of checks and balances. So he appoints 30 czars to do his bidding. But Pete, most presidents appoint czars. That's my point. Just because others did it, doesn't mean it's right or constitutional. Other's opened the door for Obama.

One of Obama's first acts as President, was to ignore the rule of law. There were many clear cut examples of voter intimidation across the country. Especially in Philly. People reporting this even have video tape of it. Obama tells his Justice department, forgetaboutit it. We will not investigate nor prosecute any case where the defendants are black. We will drop all these cases. Thank you.

Then we have the gulf oil spill which was nothing even close to what the left declared it as. However, he used this to enact a moratorium, that fits with his agenda, to ban drilling. Then, when a court came out and said, drilling needs to resume, he said? Yup. Forget it. I do not agree with the court, so I will not obey it.

Obamacare. Completely unconstitutional. Yet, him and his LWL comrades jam it through, by every means necessary, demanding the every American participate. We should find out Thursday what the Supreme Court thinks of this. However, I'm not sure that it will even matter.

Then he decides that he really does need the gay and lesbian votes, so he declares DOMA, the Defense Of Marriage Act, unconstitutional, he declares, we will simply, no longer defend it. Yup. Forget it. I do not care that it's the law of the land, singed in by Bill Clinton in 92. I do not agree with it. Therefore, it doesn't exist.

Then, in anticipation of the Supreme Court ruling, some say he was told in advance what it was, he came out a week ago Friday, and simply declared that he will not enforce immigration laws. He declare amnesty, The Dream Act, that failed in congress, as the law of the land. He said, we will no longer deport anyone between eighteen to thirty. Since congress will not do it, I will. So if you don't like it? Tough.

The Supreme Court DID come out in favor of Arizona. They said, a state has the right to check the status of someone already in contact with the police. In other words, in the investigation of the commission of a crime, they can check to see if the person even has the right to be here to begin with. Imagine that.

What does Obama do? He tells the court, and the state of Arizona, screw off. I kid you not.
The Obama administration said Monday it is suspending existing agreements with Arizona police over enforcement of federal immigration laws, and said it has issued a directive telling federal authorities to decline many of the calls reporting illegal immigrants that the Homeland Security Department may get from Arizona police.
Administration officials, speaking on condition they not be named, told reporters they expect to see an increase in the number of calls they get from Arizona police — but that won’t change President Obama’s decision to limit whom the government actually tries to detain and deport.
“We will not be issuing detainers on individuals unless they clearly meet our defined priorities,” one official said in a telephone briefing.
So do not even bother. You can do whatever you want. The Court can decide whatever they want. We refuse to follow the law. Don't like it. Tough. We will do whatever we want. Just so you do not misunderstand, let me put it as simply as I can. Screw Off.

To all my liberal friends out there, that are enjoying watching Obama shred the Constitution, completely disregard the laws of the land, and tell anyone that disagrees with him to screw off, better be careful. Let's say Mitt Romney comes in, and he will, but lets say Mitt Romney comes in and decides, you know what? I do not like this no prayer in school. So I will refuse to enforce it. If schools want to start and end everyday with a prayer to Jesus, cool. Do whatever you want. I also do not agree with this whole Estate Tax thing. So I am going to simply dictate to the IRS, stop collecting it. I will only follow the laws I agree with, I do not care about congress, or due process. I will do whatever I want to do. When you complain? Hey, Obama did it.

Whenever we start allowing one person, even if we understand and or agree with them, to become lawless, we allow others that follow to do the same. The others we may or may not agree with, but It will be too late at that point to reverse it. We are a country of laws. We are a country of checks and balances. Once we open the door for those in the highest office to disregard those laws, the process of checks and balances, we open the door for things much much worse down the road.

If I were a Governor of a state with an Illegal Immigration problem? I would get on national TV and say, "If you are here illegally, know this. We WILL follow the law. If you are found to be here illegally, and we arrest you, you will go to jail. If the federal government will not do their job, in jail is where you will sit. Period. "You can't do that." Yes I can. I will. "But that's not legal." So? The President just told the Supreme Court and Arizona, we do not care what you say, we will not enforce the law, so I am saying we will. If you get stuck in the middle? Oh well. Watch how fast my state lowers it's illegal immigrant problem.

We need people that will stand up to this out of control, lawless Obama regime. The House could and should cut off funding to Obama, and start investigations into his lawlessness. If needed, even start looking at impeachment and possible criminal charges. Because what he is doing IS criminal. If I were a Supreme Court Justice, I would be asking Obama directly, why he thinks he can completely disregard the Laws of the land and the Court's decision. I would make it extremely public at that.

Folks, the sad thing is, it is clear, that the Mainstream Media will not do their jobs. It is sadly clear that the House, under this current leadership, will not do anything to stop Obama's lawlessness. It is clear that it is up to you in November. Get ready, get informed, go vote. Close this door. Before something much much worse, walks through it. If that is even possible.

The Washington Times - Homeland Security suspends immigration agreements with Arizona police

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