Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dinesh D'Souza - CPAC 2012 speech

Forget Politics. Forget Mitt Romney. Forget Liberal vs Conservative.

Hey folks,

I'm serious. Forget all that. Just watch this.
Watch this short informative video preview of this movie which came out only yesterday and share it with others. The preview has already been seen by over 18,000 people. Within a very short time it will have been seen by millions! After you see the preview, listen to what Dinesh has to say about Obama. Please take the time to hear this and pass it on.

The movie is called "2016".
The speaker here is Dinesh D'Souza, college President in New York and Author of many New York Times best sellers. The movie is from Gerald R. Molen, producer of Academy Award winning Schindler's List, Jurrasic Park, Brave Heart.
It explains in plain language who Barack Obama really is, what he stands for, and the dangers of him being reelected for another four years.
This was sent to me by a die hard Liberal. I'm not kidding. The guy that sent this to me, is an, or should I say WAS an, Obama supporter. I tried to have a coupe of conversations with him, and we ended up getting angry with each other. It didn't matter what I said. He just mindlessly repeated talking points he has been fed. It didn't even matter if I backed what I was saying with FACTS. He couldn't even hear me.

So I asked him, "Did you actually watch this?" He said "Yeah. I'll tell you what. I will Vote down the line Democrat. All but Obama." This Video did what I failed to do. It showed him the truth. Forget Politics. Just watch this video. Decide for yourself.

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