Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Feeding Cars, Not People

All in the name of the SCAM that is GWBS

Hey folks,

GWBS and of course, money. I want you to think about this.

You have one hundred percent of something covering a certain demand. Demand increases. You are already at one hundred percent. So what happens. It becomes more valuable. So how do you fix it? Try to figure out ways to increase the supply? Nope. You CUT the supply by forty percent. Now you have forty percent less to supply the still increasing demand. Now, for some, it may even be out of reach.

Now lets say, here you are, coasting along with the sixty percent, making lots of money in the process. Because those that want that forty percent are paying you well for it. So what happens when something comes along and effects that sixty percent? Cuts that down to fifty, or even forty? Demand is STILL increasing, and now you only have forty percent to cover what use to be one hundred percent. Yup, MORE and MORE people will not be able to afford to obtain it.

No. I'm not talking about Oil or Gas. I'm talking about FOOD. This is really happening folks. The UK Guardian has a great piece today. Listen to this..
But this is not the only sense in which the rich world's use of fuel is causing the poor to starve. In the United Kingdom, in the rest of the European Union and in the United States, governments have chosen to deploy a cure as bad as the disease. Despite overwhelming evidence of the harm their policy is causing, none of them will change course.

Biofuels are the means by which governments in the rich world avoid hard choices. Rather than raise fuel economy standards as far as technology allows, rather than promoting a shift from driving to public transport, walking and cycling, rather than insisting on better town planning to reduce the need to travel, they have chosen to exchange our wild overconsumption of petroleum for the wild overconsumption of fuel made from crops. No one has to drive less or make a better car: everything remains the same except the source of fuel. The result is a competition between the world's richest and poorest consumers, a contest between overconsumption and survival.

There was never any doubt about which side would win.

I've been banging on about this since 2004, and everything I warned of then has happened. The US and the European Union have both set targets and created generous financial incentives for the use of biofuels. The results have been a disaster for people and the planet.
Already, 40% of US corn (maize) production is used to feed cars. The proportion will rise this year as a result of the smaller harvest.

Though the market for biodiesel is largely confined to the European Union, it has already captured 7% of the world's output of vegetable oil. The European commission admits that its target (10% of transport fuels by 2020) will raise world cereal prices by between 3% and 6%. Oxfam estimates that with every 1% increase in the price of food, another 16 million people go hungry.

By 2021, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development says that 14% of the world's maize and other coarse grains, 16% of its vegetable oil and 34% of its sugarcane will be used to make people in the gas-guzzling nations feel better about themselves. The demand for biofuel will be met, it reports, partly through an increase in production; partly through a "reduction in human consumption". The poor will starve so that the rich can drive.That's a fact folks. That is happening as we speak. What happens when we have the worse drought in like 50 years, or whatever it is? Crops are effected. There is less. So what happens when you reduce them even more? Yup. People go hungry.
There is no reason for this at all. There is no such thing as Man-Made Global Warming. It is a SCAM. It IS all about money. It IS a Billion Dollar Scam. Carbon Credits, Green Energy, Bio-Fuels. People are making hundreds of Billions off all this nonsense.

Think about this also. There are a few, in charge of this SCAM, that are also obtaining Power and Control THROUGH this SCAM. They can enact Laws forcing you to do what ever they want. They can tell you how to live your life. What to drive. What temperature you can keep your house at. Where you can live. They can dictate every aspect of your life by saying, "It's for the good of the planet." Meanwhile, if you scratch the surface, even if you accept the premise that GW is anything but Bad Science, NONE of the "cures" do anything to stop it. You are polluting. But pay me $10,000 and have the right to say your not. Change your light bulb. Drive this car. {Which increases electric use and in turn increases power plant production, and strains the grid} Use this fuel. Which may actually pollute MORE, and then, or course, you have the little fact that people will starve to death.

We have the solution. We can create hundreds of thousands of new, long lasting, real Jobs, increase revenue to the Government in the tunes of a Trillion Dollars, lower the cost of everything, and even give FOOD back to the people. We can also increase our National Security, instead of relying on others for our very basic needs, Energy. All we have to do, is stop playing these greed games, and DO IT.


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