Sunday, September 2, 2012

I AGREE With Al Gore

Sunday Preview 090212

Hey folks,

You read the Headline correctly. I do. I agree with Al Gore. More on that in a second. Happy Sunday to ya folks. Welcome to the OPNTalk2 Blog, Big Sunday Edition. I am of course your Provocateur of Thought himself, Peter Carlock. Glad you stopped by.

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So am I serious? I agree with Al Gore? Yup. No. I have not gone over the edge. I'm not heading out to buy new light bulbs to save the planet. I'm not looking to buy carbon credits. I have not converted to the Church of GW. No. I am not giving him credit and thanks for creating the Internet.

But I DO agree with him on this..

Former vice president Al Gore is calling for an end to the Electoral College — the system that cost him the presidency in 2000.
Gore said that many voters who live outside the dozen or so battleground states are cheated by the system that allocates delegates from the state level on a winner-take-all basis. He called for presidential elections to be determined by the popular vote.

You know, like him or not, he DOES have a point here. I really never liked the EC. I DO agree that the President SHOULD be elected by the most people voting for them.

“I’ve seen how these states are written off and ignored, and people are effectively disenfranchised in the presidential race. And I really do now think it is time to change that,” Gore said on Current TV, an independent cable network that he co-founded.

A dozen states are generally considered electoral battlegrounds where the 2012 election will be decided. They include Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

The Republican platform approved this week specifically opposes any change to the Electoral College process, constitutional or otherwise.

Now I'm sure he is most likely saying this, because he thinks Obama will lose, not because of the people, but the EC. After all, Al won the Popular Vote, but lost to Bush. Right? So he most likely thinks, as most people on the Looney Left, that most Americans are as insane as they are, and that they are chopping at the bit to vote for Obama. Truth is the exact opposite. I have no don't about it.

But agree or not, I truly think that if we are going have Elections and claim every Vote counts? Then LETS have Elections where every Vote counts. He with the most Votes wins. Why not?

Going to fill my cup. Be right back.

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