Thursday, September 13, 2012

The World With Obama

World War Three?

Hey folks,

The New York Post Yesterday? Attack on US ambassador planned for 9/11 As a matter of fact, check out these headlines over at Drudge this morning.. 

Romney, rightly said, the world is more dangerous because of Obama's failed foreign policies. The media is attacking Romney. Why? He is telling the truth. Obama is no friend of Israel. Obama ignores and disrespects our allies all over the world. Returning Busts, reneging on promises, refusing to visit, or host visits from them. Yet, invites Iran to a Hot Dog BBQ at the White House. 

Our Soldiers are in many places in the world, they have no business being in. Africa? Anyone? Who are we helping in the Middle East? We helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt. Anyone? We just sent them, who just declared Israel their number one enemy, over a billion dollars. Anyone? How many deaths are taking place of US Soldiers? Hello? Remember the death counts under Bush? Obama? 

Can ANYONE tell me what North Korea is up to? Anyone? How about our old friend Putin? Other than here, when is the last time you have heard anyone talking about Russia? Iran is building a Nuclear Bomb, taking over the entire Middle East, WITH OBAMA'S HELP! Israel is being surrounded by those that want them dead and gone. We? The USA? America? We are inviting our enemies, and the enemies of the world, to the White House. We are calling them "freedom fighters" and saying that what is going on in the Middle East is democracy. 

Look, Israel WILL defend itself. They WILL attack Iran. There is no question about it. If they don't, KNOWING that Obama will never do it, being friends with Muslims all around the world, Israel WILL be wiped out. We had better respond to their aid when they do. This will bring Russia and China into the mix, Others in the Middle East will join in, and World War Three. Israel and the US do nothing. BOOM! Israel gone. US City? BOOM! World War Three. Take your pick. I prefer to give our ally a fighting chance. If Russia and China stay out of it? All will be fine. For now. For a bit longer. 

"Oh see? We can't. Israel is to blame if this happens. Iran is not going to do anything. They are peaceful. You Islamophobes, you just hate anyone that is different than you." Nope. I understand when someone says, I want you dead, then starts building bombs to see that out, NEEDS to be STOPPED. 

You know, I'm sorry. Death of our Ambassador, destruction of our embassy, and outright promises of death and destruction of both Israel and America? All the attacks over the years. Sorry. I will no longer make the distinction. I no longer believe there is one. I will no longer say Radical Islam. Islam IS radical. Period! It IS a Religion of HATE. It is at war with anyone and anything not Muslim. So from this point on? No distinction needed. The is no radical fringe. They are the mainstream. Islam is at war with us. It IS taking over the Middle East. It IS infiltrating our Military, our Governments, the World. It IS a religion of Hate. 

So Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, at the brink of War, wants to meet with Obama. Obama says no. He's too busy. He has to meet with Jay-Z and Beyonce. He has fundraisers to go to. He has to be on with Letterman. He is just way too busy. Sorry Netty, maybe next time. Oh, by the way, you better not do anything. Just wait. We got time. Obama will deal with you after the Election. 

“I can’t ever imagine if the Prime Minister of Israel asked to meet with me, I can’t imagine ever saying no. They’re our friends. They’re our closest allies in the Middle East.”
Yup. I can't imagine it either. I know, someone told me that Sean Hannity was saying we could be looking a World War Three. He said, he is the only one saying this. Not true. I have been warning you about this for years. I no longer feel it is a matter of if, but when. This President has made the world a far more dangerous place. His lack of response to the death of our Ambassador and invasion of our Embassy, will show the world that we are truly weak. Our refusal to create more of our own Energy, making us reliant on those very foreign governments that may be against us? Yeah. Kinda hard to fight a War without fuel. 

Everything this President has done, has made the World a more dangerous place. Not just for our allies, but for us as well. If he was too busy dealing with our Economy to clearly focus on the World, perhaps he could say, "Hey, yeah maybe I dropped the ball. I'll deal with all that next term. But look at America? Record High Job growth. Everyone can afford a Home, our Credit ratings at better than ever. Everyone is working, and can afford to get ahead in life. We are Energy Independent. We have less people on food Stamps and our debt is being paid down." Problem is, it IS the exact opposite. 

We need a Leader that understands how to fix the mess Obama put us in. Not just economic wise, but our standing in the world. A Leader that sees American greatness and is HONORED to be it's Leader. One that is willing to stand up for our allies, and stand up against our enemies. Not one that has failed everything, and is asking for another 4 years of more of the same. 

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