Mitt says he will do it.
Hey folks,
So can we really jump start the economy with Energy. Yup. As I have been telling you for the last few years. It will create jobs, increase National Security, DECREASE the cost of everything, and INCREASE revenue to the Government. There is no doubt about it. '

Mark Green, over at Energy Tomorrow has an excellent piece. Here it is.
A new USA Today/Gallup poll finds two of the top three issues that Americans care about the most in this election year are … jobs and reducing the federal budget deficit. Check and check. America’s oil and natural gas industry can help with both. Respondents were asked to weigh the importance of a number of issues (see chart), and 92 percent said creating good jobs is “extremely/very important.” On cutting the federal deficit the figure was 86 percent. Jobs and revenue to the government – we can help.

With the right policies in place – increasing access to American natural resources, the right approach to energy regulation, encouraging energy investments and more – our industry could create 1.4 million jobs by 2030. Here’s how the Wood Mackenzie energy consulting firm charts the potential jobs growth:

Leadership is needed to make this happen. Industry is doing its part – investing in America – and it’s willing to do more.
As for tax revenue for government, to help with the deficit, Wood Mackenzie estimates a pro-energy development strategy could generate a total of more than $800 billion by 2030:

Again, in a struggling economy the oil and natural gas industry is adding jobs and supporting communities while generating revenues for government. Energy-driven economic growth that’s being seen in North Dakota, Texas, Pennsylvania and other states can be realized in other places with a true all-of-the-above (and below) energy strategy.
Energy Tomorrow - Jobs? Revenue for Government? We Can Help
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