Hey folks,
Happy Sunday to ya. Don't forget the first message is over at TAG. If you are a person of faith, want to know more about faith, or are just curious, check it out. Remember, it is totally Faith Based and we are talking about God.
Welcome to the Big Sunday Edition of the OPNTalk2 Blog, Glad you stopped by. I am of course, your Provocateur of thought himself, Peter Carlock. If you want to be a part of the OPN, you can always Email me at opntalk@gmail.com. Questions? Comments? Articles? Or just say "hey." I do try to respond to all. Well, most. {Smile}
Coming right up today?
So we'll get to all that in a second. Did you catch the latest about Jesse Jackson Jr? He disappeared. Just took his ball and went home. No one knows why. Not really. But now we have his Mom coming out and giving an explanation. He is just too disappointed to go on. I kid you not.
She, Jacqueline Jackson, was speaking at a PUSH luncheon, when she said this..
Folks, this IS the entitlement mentality on full display. We have people in this country, a growing number of people, that no longer understand what the American Dream is all about. They grow up seeing their Mom, or their Dad, or some Relative, sitting home, doing whatever they want, and the Government giving them money. They grow up watching the Government paying their Mom, just to have them. Paying their caregiver money to buy food, pay rent, transportation, and education. They grow up seeing the Government pay their caregivers money to do, well, nothing.
So they know no other way. They are told, why go work for someone else? Why go and make someone rich? It's not fair that the CEO of the company is making millions why you are working 8 to 10 hours a day, and you are struggling to pay the electric bill. It's not fair. The Government will make it fair. They will take that millionaire's money, and they will give it to you. All you have to do is keep those in power that will take care of you.
So when the money runs out, or someone comes along and says, the money WILL run out, we just can't do this any more, they seriously have no clue how to react. They truly feel that they are taken away from them that of which they are entitled to. They are taking away THEIR money. They truly, have no clue. All they know is welfare. All they know is Government. All they know is entitlement.
Jesse Jackson Jr. grew up watching his Dad get free stuff. He watched people cater to, prop up, and grant his Dad, lots of money and fame. For doing, well, nothing. So here comes the son. He will get the same stuff his father does. Since it really did not happen, he now knows nothing. He is now completely clueless. He doesn't want to actually work. He doesn't want to actually EARN his way. He is so disappointed, he can no longer even function?
Truth is folks, nearly HALF of this country pay nothing in taxes. Zero! The "one percent" pay over 70 percent of all taxes. The middle class make up the difference. Yet? More and more people are going on, and staying on longer, the government dole. Again, if you took every cent from the "one percent," every penny, you could run the country for ten days. Then what? Then where does the money come from?
We need to start teaching this generation what the American Dream really is. Work hard, get rewarded. Honest day pay, for an honest day's work. We have to teach them that they can be anything. That they too can make it to the "one percent," if they work hard enough, and become clever enough. That being in the "one percent" should not be a thing of shame, but something to actually strive toward.
What we need to teach this generation, and others that follow, is that there are no free rides. That if you find something you love, and work hard at it, you will never work a day in your life. We need to teach this generation and those that follow, that feeling of satisfaction for a job well done. Of the freedom of earning your own way. The truth, that if you allow others to support you, you empower them to take everything away as well. We need to start teaching, the American Dream.
CBS Chicago- Jackson Jr.’s Mom: My Son Dealing With ‘Enormous Disappointment’
Welcome to the Big Sunday Edition of the OPNTalk2 Blog, Glad you stopped by. I am of course, your Provocateur of thought himself, Peter Carlock. If you want to be a part of the OPN, you can always Email me at opntalk@gmail.com. Questions? Comments? Articles? Or just say "hey." I do try to respond to all. Well, most. {Smile}
Coming right up today?
Good and Evil, Right and Wrong, God or Man

She, Jacqueline Jackson, was speaking at a PUSH luncheon, when she said this..
“I’m not ashamed to say, he thought he was going to be a senator. He thought he was going to have a chance to run for mayor. And young people don’t bounce back from disappointment like me and my husband.”Then she said this...
“My son, is unwell, and he needs a moment to heal. And I ask you to pray for me without cease. Do for me what I’ve done for you. I want you to respect that. Give us a moment. Most of all for him.”So Jesse was either promised to be the next Barack Obama, or he thought he was, in his mind, and it's not working out. You remember, he tried to buy Obama's Senate seat from the now convicted Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Now he is too "unwell" to do his job?
Folks, this IS the entitlement mentality on full display. We have people in this country, a growing number of people, that no longer understand what the American Dream is all about. They grow up seeing their Mom, or their Dad, or some Relative, sitting home, doing whatever they want, and the Government giving them money. They grow up watching the Government paying their Mom, just to have them. Paying their caregiver money to buy food, pay rent, transportation, and education. They grow up seeing the Government pay their caregivers money to do, well, nothing.
So they know no other way. They are told, why go work for someone else? Why go and make someone rich? It's not fair that the CEO of the company is making millions why you are working 8 to 10 hours a day, and you are struggling to pay the electric bill. It's not fair. The Government will make it fair. They will take that millionaire's money, and they will give it to you. All you have to do is keep those in power that will take care of you.
So when the money runs out, or someone comes along and says, the money WILL run out, we just can't do this any more, they seriously have no clue how to react. They truly feel that they are taken away from them that of which they are entitled to. They are taking away THEIR money. They truly, have no clue. All they know is welfare. All they know is Government. All they know is entitlement.
Jesse Jackson Jr. grew up watching his Dad get free stuff. He watched people cater to, prop up, and grant his Dad, lots of money and fame. For doing, well, nothing. So here comes the son. He will get the same stuff his father does. Since it really did not happen, he now knows nothing. He is now completely clueless. He doesn't want to actually work. He doesn't want to actually EARN his way. He is so disappointed, he can no longer even function?
Truth is folks, nearly HALF of this country pay nothing in taxes. Zero! The "one percent" pay over 70 percent of all taxes. The middle class make up the difference. Yet? More and more people are going on, and staying on longer, the government dole. Again, if you took every cent from the "one percent," every penny, you could run the country for ten days. Then what? Then where does the money come from?
We need to start teaching this generation what the American Dream really is. Work hard, get rewarded. Honest day pay, for an honest day's work. We have to teach them that they can be anything. That they too can make it to the "one percent," if they work hard enough, and become clever enough. That being in the "one percent" should not be a thing of shame, but something to actually strive toward.
What we need to teach this generation, and others that follow, is that there are no free rides. That if you find something you love, and work hard at it, you will never work a day in your life. We need to teach this generation and those that follow, that feeling of satisfaction for a job well done. Of the freedom of earning your own way. The truth, that if you allow others to support you, you empower them to take everything away as well. We need to start teaching, the American Dream.
CBS Chicago- Jackson Jr.’s Mom: My Son Dealing With ‘Enormous Disappointment’
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