Hey folks,

Now we here at the OPNTalk2 Blog talk a lot about health and nutrition. I understand we do have an obesity problem in this country. I get that. I understand that some people are even obsessed with their weight and throw their money away on this diet and that pill. Anything that promises them the results they seek. Some spend all they got, in the quest to get skinny. To look like those they see on TV and in magazines.
Truth is? Some diets work, for some people. My friend, I hope he doesn't mind me using his name, Rich Stevens, lost 60 pounds with a Weigh Less Nutrition Center Diet Plan. I know many that have loss weight using various Diet Plans out there. I also know many that didn't.
Everyone is different. We are made up differently, and our bodies react differently. This is not a dig against any Diet Plan or Company out there. I would prefer you didn't put a bunch of chemicals in your body. If skinny was sold in a bottle, everyone would buy it. However, some of the side effects of some of these drugs are not good for you.
In today's Health and Science segment, I want to discuss the business that is Diet. Yes Diet is a business. A multi-billion dollar business. And like any other industry, there are good people that truly mean well, and those that are in it simply for the money. Do some research before you sign up with anyone. Maybe even try MY Diet plan first. More on that in a second. You already know what that is.
But the Diet industry can be brutal. It's cut throat. Everyone want to be the "best." the "choice" of millions. Of course, the more "clients" you have, the more money you make. So they compete for your business. They even attack each other. Someone send this to me. It truly made me laugh. Here it is.
Low carb diet proponents are making a killing off diet book sales.
But what about the authors themselves?
If they eat their diet and it's so great, shouldn't they look thin and healthy?
We know the vegan diet doctors are all trim and enjoy robust health.
But the same doesn't appear to be true for the "experts" recommending diets heavy in meat and low in whole carbs.
Low-carb/high meat gurus featured in the video:
Loren Cordain, Author: "The Paleo Diet". Recommends you eat 55% meat.
Sally Fallon, Author: "Eat Fat, Lose Fat" - President Weston A. Price Foundation. Recommends meat, dairy, fish and vegetable fats.
William Davis, MD. Author: "The Wheat Belly" - Recommends no wheat, but lots of meat, dairy and oil.
Barry Sears, PhD, Author: "The Zone Diet". Recommends: meat, fish, and olive oil (restricts carbs).
Robert Atkins, MD. Author: "The Atkins Diet." Recommends bacon, brie and butter.Yeah, I know. This is all normal. It's one of the biggest rivalries in history. Vegetarians vs meat eaters. But I really did find the Video funny. Can I be honest with you? I haven't actually consumed meat in like a week and a half. No I'm not a Vegetarian. My Wife is. But I really like some of the food she makes.
Let's see. Saturday and Sunday last weekend we had this cheesy {Fake Cheese} noodle bake thing. We call it Pasta De Laura. It's one of my favorite meals of all time. Monday and Tuesday, we had Veggie Loaf. Wednesday and Thursday, I made my famous Baked Ziti, and Friday and Saturday this weekend, we had my Bean Soup. Truth is, it was all so good, I didn't even miss the meat.
My point is, I eat what I want. Everything in moderation. Well, accept the Pasta De Laura. I over did it on that one. {Smile} But as long as it tastes good, I'll eat it. I think tonight I'll be having Chicken. You know what I do every day? I walk. A lot. I work out in the gym. I try to stay away from sweets. I try to be healthy. I always try to follow MY Diet. And you can too.
You see, I understand that some people need encouragement and direction. I get that. I know many Diet Plans out there work. Look at Rich. Do some research, talk to your Doctor, and do whatever works for YOU. My plan is simple. And Free I might add. In the long run, it can even SAVE you money. Yup. The ELMM Diet. Eat Less, Move More. If you burn more than you take in, you lose weight and get healthy. You can even eat whatever you want. Everything in moderation. Can you lose weight eating Twinkies and Cake? Yup. I don't recommend that. You really do need to eat things that help your body to be healthy. But you theoretically can eat anything and still loose weight.
Find what works for you. Go for it. Even if you just loose ten pounds, you would be surprised how much of a difference it can make in your life. The compliments are not that bad either. (Smile)
Veg Source: Low Carb Book Authors -- ARE FAT!
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