Hey folks,

OK. I am going to set aside, well, everything. I'm going to talk about me today. For those of you that know me, know this is not something I do often. But there are some major changes coming up in my life and things that simply put, need to be put right. This is something that I have been dealing with for quite some time now. And the time has come.
For those of you that don't know me, allow me to re-introduce myself to you. Hi. My name is Peter Carlock. I am a, for the lack of a better terminology, a Christian. I am a follow of Jesus, the Christ, and a believer in the Word of God.
When I went Online, back in the late 90s, I was totally Faith Based. I was all over the Internet, various Discussion Boards, Websites, etc. My goal was to share my Faith and the Word with those in need. To encourage and to help those understand God and the true meaning of Faith. I spent much time explaining the difference between man made tradition, called religion, and what true Faith is all about. Why it is so important to have the personal and one on one relationship with God.
Oh we discussed everything. Whatever was in the News, Politics, hot button issues, such as Abortion, etc. But for the most part, I relied on my Faith and what the Truth was, according to what God says. I never really cared that much for Politics for Politics sake, but would, and as you know, still do, argue Politics for the betterment of all.
However, something happened over the years. It's called life. Things happened in my life that caused me to take a turn. I got divorced. I moved from New York to Florida. I allowed the cares of this world to come in and choke out the very thing that kept me going the best. My Faith. I stopped relying on God, and started relying on me. I got more and more into the world and dealing with what the world wanted me to deal with.
Trust me. I made some really good, and not good choices. I decided that it was indeed all about me. Once here, I tried to continue the Discussion Boards, and some of the sites I came to know and love, but there was just something missing. One day, a friend, Sean Sullivan, asked me a question that has haunted me ever since. "What happened to the Faith Based Peter? You have no idea how many people have told me you have truly helped."
You know? For the first time, I am going to be one hundred percent honest. I LIED! I lied to him. I lied to everyone I told this story to. But for the most part, I lied to me. My response? "I'm still the same guy! What the hell are you talking about. I'm the same guy I have always been. I can do it all. I can talk Politics, News, and God all at the same time. Sorry if you can't see that. I haven't changed. If you don't like it? Screw off." Not of course in so many words, but that WAS the spirit of which it was intended.
Truth is? I was not the same person. The "Faith Based Peter" fell asleep. Oh I did it. I started the OPNTalk Blog in 2006. The this new one OPNTalk2 just recently. I through in some Faith Based stuff from time to time, and I DO now as much as I always have, believe that it is extremely important to talk about Politics and the fact we need to elect someone to save this country. I DO now and as much as I always have, believe that we can talk about the News and what matters to people without getting too "preachy" if you will.
But here is the problem. If you remove God from the equation, what do you replace him with? There are absolutes. There really is right and wrong. Good and evil. There really are alternatives to what we have been forced to accept. I have been for way too long, leaving anything Faith Based out. I have been saying we need a better way. I've been saying there is a better way. I've been talking about we can do better. However? I haven't been talking about what, how, or who.
Back in New York, and back in the day, I did so much for the Kingdom of God. I was a Teacher, Preacher, and Shower of the Way. Most of the time, taking NO credit for it at all. I have seen a ten year old girl healed of Cancer. An answered prayer by a church that don't believe in healing. I saw a man heal of AIDS. Thousands saved. I lead a professional Boxer friend of mine to God. He accepted Salvation on a Mountain Top at like 5 in the morning. I saw the hand of God move in supernatural ways. Then? I walked away. I fell asleep. I just stopped.
What I did not realize at the time. Actually, until just recently, was Sean Sullivan saw it long before I did. He felt it. Something missing. So did some others. I rejected it. I felt it as well, but I decided that they were just wrong. They weren't. I was.
Now please do not misunderstand what I am saying here. I never completely walked away from God. I have a good life. He brought me together with a great Wife. God blessed me with two Sons. I have a life that has found me surrounded by people that love me, and people I love. Could have more money (Smile) but then again, who couldn't. But for the most part, I would not change a thing, because the older you get, the more you realize all the choices you have made in your life, bring you to where you are. I am in a good place.
So for some time now, I have been in conflict within myself. What do I do? What do I change? How do I get back that of which has been missing for so long? Do I have to totally walk away from this Blog? Can I really talk about the News and Politics, AND God at the same time? Yup! At least I'm going to try.
Starting this Friday, there is a new Blog debuting. TAG. The Truth According To God. It is totally Faith Based. We will be talking about God, the Bible, the Truth. If this sort of thing offends you. Well, you may not want to check it out. I will continue, for now at least, this Blog going as well. We will still be talking about the News, Politics. Health and Science. It is my intention to keep things pretty much as is here. But from now on? The Faith Based Peter is wide awake. And he is going to be spending a lot of time at TAG. See you there.
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Hey, Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog. Glad you stopped by. What's on your mind today?