When are we going to learn?
Hey folks,

So did you catch the News? Yup. Another "Green Energy Company, which means more Billions or your Tax Money, that's B as in Boy, Billions down the drain. Another one bites the dust. Solar Trust of America, LLC. Said to be the largest Solar Power Project in the world. In the WORLD folks. Based in Oakland and one year ago, last April, won "$2.1 billion of conditional loan guarantees from the US Department of Energy." $2.1 BILLION. One year later? They file for Bankruptcy. One YEAR. Read that again. $2.1 BILLION, ONE YEAR! This was the second largest loan that the Department of Energy ever gave out. It lasted them ONE YEAR. Where is all that money?
Lets see, Solyndra, Abound Solar, Energy Conversion Devices, BrightSource, LSP Energy, Evergreen Solar, Ener1, SunPower, Beacon Power, ECOtality, A123, Uni-Solar, Azure Dynamics, and now Solar Trust? All these companies were propped up by YOUR tax money. ALL of them gone. This one, again, $2.1 BILLION.
Folks, it is simple to understand here. There is NO Market. There is NO place for these Companies to grow and survive. They can make whatever they want, but if no one is buying their product, FORCED to or not, the Company goes away. When are we going to learn? Seriously. When are we going to learn that if you prop something up, and the something is not self sustainable, it will fall? When are we going to learn that we just do not have the knowledge or the Technology yet to make any of this nonsense viable on a large enough scale back on or to abandon the Energy Resources that we do have and know work? How much money will we continue to throw away, money we do not have, until someone realizes that it's time to stop.
We have Coal, Oil, Natural Gas. We have Nuclear. We have sources of power WE KNOW WORK. The infrastructure is already in place. The Technology already exists. We can make it affordable for all if we just simply use what we have. I know some of you are getting tired of hearing me say this, but it IS, a Historical Fact. Increase our Domestic Energy, we will, increase Jobs, increase Revenue to all forms of Government, increase our National Security, DECREASE Prices of Gas, Electric, Food, and all commodities. Continue to throw Billions to Companies where their CEO's line their pockets and then close up and go home? Or do what we know works? Which do you feel is the smarter way to go?
The Washington Examiner - Solar company bankrupt despite DOE pledge
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