Why Socialism Is Possible
Remember Obama is Farther Left Than
Hillary Originally Posted
Just 24 hours folks. Just 24 hours left. Time for you to decide WHAT change you want for this country.
Hey folks,
I have been talking about the true intentions of the
LWL {Left Wing Loonies} and the NEW Democrat Party. I have posted their own
words, chronicled their own actions. I have pointed out what the true
definitions of what could very well happen, if what they are doing and saying,
were to actually come to pass.
Back on Sunday October 14, I gave you a trip down memory lane. Kind of a round up of all the things I’ve been warning you about. Even then, I could not add EVERYTHING. I told you how they want to indoctrinate our kids into their way of thinking. “He who controls the youth, controls the future.”But STILL, with all this, some of you out there are still saying, “It can’t happen here. This is America. We will not allow it.”
Do you know what it is that causes a Dictator or a Socialist Society to rise? YOU. The people. Hitler could not rise by himself, unless he had people HELPING him to. Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili {Joseph Stalin} same thing. The Soviet Union would have never been, had not some people WANTED it to be. ONE man, one idea, can do little. They need support. Little Hitler {Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadenijad} is rising right now because there are many helping him. Including some in this very country. Hugo Chavez? GET THIS according to CNN- Critics say changes in Venezuela law could erode rights
The pro-Chavez legislature already has approved 33
other changes to the constitution. They are to be considered in a referendum
slated for December 2.
“We will do what we have to do to approve the constitutional reforms that the president proposes because that is what the people want,” said Iris Varela, a pro-Chavez member of parliament.
But Jose Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at the New York-based Human Rights Watch, expressed fear the changes could do more harm than good.
“This amendment, if approved, would allow President Chavez to invoke a state of emergency to justify suspending certain rights that are untouchable under international law,” Vivanco said.
"These include the presumption of innocence and rights to a fair trial, to an attorney, against self-incrimination, for a defendant to know the charges and evidence against him, and against double jeopardy," he said.
"The proposed amendments would eliminate limitations on how long a state of emergency could last and the requirement that a constitutional tribunal review the suspension of rights during times of emergency," Vivanco said.
They also would get rid of language requiring that any such decree “meet the requirements, principles and guarantees established in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the American Convention on Human Rights,” he said.
Sound familiar?
So scanning the news I caught this from the AP- Poll: Some Germans see good in Nazi rule By DAVID RISING, Associated Press Writer Wed Oct 17, 1:25 PM ET on Wednesday.
A quarter of Germans believe there were some positive
aspects to Nazi rule, according to a poll published Wednesday — a finding that
comes after a popular talk show host was fired for praising Nazi Germany's
attitude toward motherhood.
Pollsters for the Forsa agency, commissioned by the weekly magazine Stern, asked whether National Socialism also had some “good sides (such as) the construction of the highway system, the elimination of unemployment, the low criminality rate (and) the encouragement of the family.”
Forsa said 25 percent responded “yes” — but 70 percent said “no.”
Stern commissioned the survey, conducted Oct. 11-12, after Germany's NDR public broadcaster last month fired talk show host Eva Herman over comments she made about the Third Reich.
News reports quoted Herman as saying there was “much that was very bad — for example, Adolf Hitler,” but there were good things under the Nazis, “for example, the high regard for the mother.”
Herman, 48, who has written books urging a return to more traditional gender roles, has stood by her comments.
“What I wanted to express was that values which also existed before the Third Reich, such as family, children and motherhood, which were supported in the Third Reich, were subsequently done away with by the 68ers,” she later said, referring to 1960s-era leftists.
Praising the 1933-45 Nazi dictatorship is taboo in Germany. The Nazis were responsible for the murder of some 6 million Jews and for starting World War II — a conflict in which at least 60 million people died, including more than 7 million Germans.
The poll, which had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points, showed that people 60 or older had the highest regard for aspects of the era, with 37 percent answering “yes.”
Those who grew up directly after the war, now aged 45 to 59, were the least enthusiastic about the Nazi era, with only 15 percent responding “yes.”
Just 24 hours folks. Just 24 hours left. Time for you to decide WHAT change you want for this country.
Hey folks,

Back on Sunday October 14, I gave you a trip down memory lane. Kind of a round up of all the things I’ve been warning you about. Even then, I could not add EVERYTHING. I told you how they want to indoctrinate our kids into their way of thinking. “He who controls the youth, controls the future.”But STILL, with all this, some of you out there are still saying, “It can’t happen here. This is America. We will not allow it.”
Do you know what it is that causes a Dictator or a Socialist Society to rise? YOU. The people. Hitler could not rise by himself, unless he had people HELPING him to. Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili {Joseph Stalin} same thing. The Soviet Union would have never been, had not some people WANTED it to be. ONE man, one idea, can do little. They need support. Little Hitler {Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadenijad} is rising right now because there are many helping him. Including some in this very country. Hugo Chavez? GET THIS according to CNN- Critics say changes in Venezuela law could erode rights

“We will do what we have to do to approve the constitutional reforms that the president proposes because that is what the people want,” said Iris Varela, a pro-Chavez member of parliament.
But Jose Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at the New York-based Human Rights Watch, expressed fear the changes could do more harm than good.
“This amendment, if approved, would allow President Chavez to invoke a state of emergency to justify suspending certain rights that are untouchable under international law,” Vivanco said.
"These include the presumption of innocence and rights to a fair trial, to an attorney, against self-incrimination, for a defendant to know the charges and evidence against him, and against double jeopardy," he said.
"The proposed amendments would eliminate limitations on how long a state of emergency could last and the requirement that a constitutional tribunal review the suspension of rights during times of emergency," Vivanco said.
They also would get rid of language requiring that any such decree “meet the requirements, principles and guarantees established in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the American Convention on Human Rights,” he said.
Sound familiar?
So scanning the news I caught this from the AP- Poll: Some Germans see good in Nazi rule By DAVID RISING, Associated Press Writer Wed Oct 17, 1:25 PM ET on Wednesday.

Pollsters for the Forsa agency, commissioned by the weekly magazine Stern, asked whether National Socialism also had some “good sides (such as) the construction of the highway system, the elimination of unemployment, the low criminality rate (and) the encouragement of the family.”
Forsa said 25 percent responded “yes” — but 70 percent said “no.”
Stern commissioned the survey, conducted Oct. 11-12, after Germany's NDR public broadcaster last month fired talk show host Eva Herman over comments she made about the Third Reich.
News reports quoted Herman as saying there was “much that was very bad — for example, Adolf Hitler,” but there were good things under the Nazis, “for example, the high regard for the mother.”
Herman, 48, who has written books urging a return to more traditional gender roles, has stood by her comments.
“What I wanted to express was that values which also existed before the Third Reich, such as family, children and motherhood, which were supported in the Third Reich, were subsequently done away with by the 68ers,” she later said, referring to 1960s-era leftists.
Praising the 1933-45 Nazi dictatorship is taboo in Germany. The Nazis were responsible for the murder of some 6 million Jews and for starting World War II — a conflict in which at least 60 million people died, including more than 7 million Germans.
The poll, which had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points, showed that people 60 or older had the highest regard for aspects of the era, with 37 percent answering “yes.”
Those who grew up directly after the war, now aged 45 to 59, were the least enthusiastic about the Nazi era, with only 15 percent responding “yes.”
The point is folks, it seems to be in reverse here. The LWL are getting to our youth. They are attempting to indoctrinate them into Liberalism. They are also using the pure and unadulterated hatred for Bush and anything Christian to rev up the Loony base.
They are small, but very well funded, and very loud. They no longer even try to hind their goals. Hillary said this.

"There is no greater force for economic growth than free markets. But markets work best with rules that promote our values, protect our workers and give all people a chance to succeed, she said. Fairness doesn't just happen. It requires the right government policies."

“Congressional conservatives and the president are the culprits who have stood in the way of a new progressive direction for our nation”
“A new progressive direction for our nation” SOCIALISM He just came out and said it.
If you vote the LWL to stay in power, and you vote someone like Supreme Leader Wannabe Hillary into the White House in 08, you WILL have someone in power who has antepenultimate power. Like what we just read by CNN “We will do what we have to do to approve the constitutional reforms that the president proposes because that is what the people want,” will be heard over and over again in OUR

You do not think this can happen here? There are some here working really hard on MAKING it happen. YOU are the only thing standing in the way.
OPNTalk- History Of Warnings of The Quest for Tyranny
OPNTalk- Controlling Young Minds Series
CNN- Critics say changes in Venezuela law could erode rights
Poll: Some Germans see good in Nazi rule
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