Hey folks,

I do not believe this is true. I believe that some reporters have found a handful of people to further their agendas. I believe most people understand reality. Although the BP Oil Spill was bad, it was the only one of it's kind in over sixty years of drilling. I believe that most people are learning the truth. That there is more natural seepage from the ocean floor, daily, than any man-made "disaster." Ever. I think most people also understand, that just because Obama and crew have stopped us from drilling, other countries have not only, not stopped, but have increased exploration and drilling.
I also think that most people are finally starting to get it. We do not have to be in this economic situation we are in. History gives us the facts. When Obama put the moratorium in place, it costed us hundreds of thousands of jobs. Decreased our national security. Decreased revenue to the government. The price of gas? Yup. It went up.
This does not effect Obama. This does not effect Congress. This does not effect people like Soros and people like Buffet, and people like Rush Limbaugh. It effects minorities, the poor, and people on fixed incomes. When GW left office, gas was around $1.85 a gallon. Look where we are now?
So history shows us that if we do the opposite of what we have done, the opposite will happen. We will INCREASE Jobs, in the hundreds of thousands, increase our national security by no longer relying on foreign governments to meet our very basic need, energy. It will INCREASE and generate new revenue to all forms of government. Local, State, and Federal. It will DECREASE gas prices, and all prices, for everyone.
OR? we can continue to throw hundreds of billions at "green energy." What have we go for that? Solyndra, Abound Solar, Energy Conversion Devices, BrightSource, LSP Energy, Evergreen Solar, Ener1, SunPower, Beacon Power, ECOtality, A123, Uni-Solar, Azure Dynamics, and now Solar Trust? All these companies were propped up by YOUR tax money. ALL of them gone. Solar Trust alone? $2.1 BILLION.
What have they created? Nothing. The CEO's lined their pockets. Some laundered money back to Obama and the democrat party, and they packed up and went home. I think it was Solar Trust that had 5 employees. 5. 2.1 BILLION. One year. Gone.
However, for the greed of the free money, the brainwashed sheeple, and the Media in an attempt to protect Obama and crew, we get stories like this...
In Cuba’s North Basin, the Spanish company Repsol has begun risky exploration for oil and natural gas on a semi-submersible rig, now just 77 nautical miles from Key West and even closer to the ecologically sensitive Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. In a month or so, Repsol expects its drilling through 5,600 feet of seawater and about 14,000 feet of layered rock will reach the reservoir.Yes folks, people are scared. They remember the horrors of the BP oil spill. Yes folks. They saw people cancel vacations. Called off Weddings. Changed their plans. UH, how is tourism today? How is fishing today? Yes, the news media DID scare some people from coming here. Most of the stories printed and aired during that time were proven false. Nothing really happened. But here we go again folks. The media reporting what if. Listen to this...
That’s frightening for many who live and work along the island chain.
Despite the reality: No oil from the 4.9-million-barrel spill reached the Keys. For just the scare, British Petroleum has paid out more than $200 million in claims filed by businesses and residents of South Florida, the bulk of them in Monroe County.He should sue the media for pain and suffering. They are the ones that got him all worked up. Then oil companies got extorted out of hundreds of billions for NOTHING. It goes on and on. But you get the point. What if. What if a another BP takes place. What if a Plane crashed into your house. What if an earthquake hit New York. What if? Yup. Would be bad. But is it actually likely to happen? Even if it did, would it be as bad as they tell us? Wasn't last time.
“I had actual visions of oil covering Florida Bay and the mangroves and all the fish being completely devastated,” said Richard Stancyzk, longtime owner of Bud N’ Mary’s Marina, where 45 fishing captains dock their boats in Islamorada. “We were hurt financially, but I’d really like to sue BP for pain and suffering. It actually made me sick and nauseous.”
Do not get all caught up in the hype. Gas is hovering around $4.00 a gallon. People are hurting and learning that they do not have to. This is making people angry. So look for more scare stories like this one. Look for Obama to make more energy speeches. Look for more "green" companies to bit the dust.Watch nothing change. Until November that is. Then watch thing start going tin the right direction. Provided of course, Obama get's what he deserves. Evicted from the White House.
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