Hey folks

Just like the original, Little Hitler is rising. Just like the original, he has major support from world leaders and even some in this country. Just like the original, he wants world domination. He wants everyone to believe as he, summit to Islamic rule, which of course will be controlled by him. If not, he wants you dead. Period. I have been telling you that he wants control over Iraq. I have been telling you, sanctions will not work. Talks, will not work. He IS killing our men and women in Iraq, Afghanistan, and helping terrorist attacks all around the world, by supplying weapons and funds. Bahrain, Egypt, Libya, Palestine and Tunisia, all of which have been involved in the Arab Spring. Which IS the Muslim Brotherhood. Which ARE Islamofascists. Which ARE at war with us. WHO Obama helped put into place in some of these Countries. They are DIRECTLY linked to Iran and "Little Hitler" himself.
I have posted his own words. He tells us he will wipe Israel off the map. He tells us, he will destroy us. His puppet, the "Supreme Leader" Ayatollah Khamenei just said....
“In light of the realization of the divine promise by almighty God, the Zionists and the Great Satan (America) will soon be defeated,”We know that Obama is no friend of Israel. His own actions and words have proven that over and over again. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu knows this. He knows he can no longer rely on America to have Israel's back. Not as long as this Administration is in power. He just said this..
“The Jewish state will not allow those who seek our destruction, the means to achieve that goal. A nuclear armed Iran must be stopped.As well he should not. He has, not only the RIGHT to defend his people, but a DUTY to defend his people. Just like the one Obama has with us. So he talked about how Iran Nuking up, and Iran's stated goal, being equal to Hitler and the rise of his power, and how nothing was done to stop him until 6 million Jews and countless others where killed. He said we are watching this all over again and he is not willing to wait until..
I promise you that as Prime Minister, I will never gamble with the security of the state of Israel."
We’ve waited for diplomacy to work, we’ve waited for sanctions to work, none of us can afford to wait much longer.
As Prime Minister of Israel, I will never let my people live in the shadow of annihilation.”
So some took "offense" to this comparison. Actually, I think it was three guys. But that's how Liberals work all over the world. "I'm offended, so many must be, and you will change your ways, or apologize, because I was offended." Even if no proof at all that anyone else even cares. Their names are Tzipi Livni, and Dan Halutz, and Gideon Levy. One is a political opponent of Netanyahu. The other is a former military chief. The third? a big Liberal commentator. They say that it is inappropriate for the government to use such rhetoric. One said that Netanyahu will scare the entire nation with all this Holocaust talk. What's his name, Levy said that he feels that it had "belittled and cheapened" memories of the Holocaust.
No it doesn't. He is attempting to avoid another one. What he is saying is we did not have to have a Holocaust. He is saying that although people clearly saw Hitler, his intentions, his rise to power, and his march toward world domination, no one did anything about it until it was too late. This "Little Hitler," this new incarnate, is following the same path. Only this one wants to make the Holocaust look like a day in the park. He does't just want to kill six million Jews. He wants to wipe Israel off the map with nuclear weapons. If, like the original, no one stops him, he WILL.
"I know there are people who believe that it is forbidden to mention the unique evil of the Holocaust while talking about the current threats facing the Jewish people. They claim that doing so cheapens the Holocaust and insults its victims. I completely reject this approach.
"I will continue saying the truth to the world but first of all to my own people, who I know are strong enough to hear the truth. And the truth is that it is necessary to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. It is the duty of the world, but above all, it is our duty."He is right folks. It is the truth. It is happening right in front of our faces. We are watching history repeat right before our eyes. We know from history what happens if no one does anything about it. The question is not what happens if we act, rather, what if we do not? History already tells us this answer.
This is one of many on the list, it's on the top, but one of many reasons that this election is so very important. This is why we need a Leader that is actually intelligent, connected to reality, and more importantly, bold enough to do whatever they need to do, to prevent another Holocaust from taking place. A worse one at that. We need a Leader that can restore our allies faith in us. We need a Leader that is bold enough to make the tough choices here for us. Obama, is not he. The media can talk about Dogs all they want. The Pundits can talk about Obama eating Dogs all they want. They can talk about Obama signing into law that legal process of slaughtering horses to eat all they want. As for me? I want to talk about the debt, housing, unemployment, energy costs, and the possibility of another world war. Which do you think is more important?
Reuters - Netanyahu defends comparison of Iran, Nazi Holocaust
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