Hey folks,

Today is a perfect example of why so many are fighting against the Obama administration's attack on the Catholic Church. His "dictate" that Catholic, and any religious organizations, have to now offer free contraceptives and Insurance that also allows women to get the Morning After Pill and Abortion is COMPLETELY Unconstitutional. It is COMPLETELY against the First Amendment. Religion can not be dictated to by the government, what it can and can not do.
Many people will simply dismiss this "dictate" by the President and simply refuse to comply, because they do not have to. No one cares what Obama "dictates." he does not have that authority. We are a free people in a free country.
But so many uneducated, and ignorant folks out there, want to know what the big deal is. They simply do not get it. What's the big deal? The big deal is once you allow this, what is the government going to "dictate" religious organizations do next? Here is a perfect example...
Glen Murray, the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities in the Ontario, Canada government has told Catholic schools that they are no longer allowed to teach biblical principles against homosexuality. Additionally, he told them that they must allow gay clubs to organize at all Catholic schools.
Speaking publicly on the his anti-bullying bill, Murray said,
“I have to say to the bishops: ‘You’re not allowed to do that anymore.’ I’m not allowed to say to the Catholics—nor should I—or to other Christians or Muslims or Jews, that because of your faith you’re intrinsically disordered.”
“I would never say to you that anything that goes on in your family with the person you love—can you imagine me describing a husband-and-wife relationship as inherently depraved?”
“… There’s no one here that’s suggesting that we shouldn’t teach a Catholic perspective in our schools.”
“It is about celebrating diversity. It isn’t about taking Catholic teaching out of Catholic schools. It’s about putting life-affirming, positive images and stories around gay and lesbian children, Muslim children, kids and women of all shapes.”So this guy, who of course is gay, wants the Catholic Church to stop teaching Biblical principles. Just stop teaching the Bible. He wants them to allow and to teach "life-affirming, positive images and stories around gay and lesbian children, Muslim children, kids and women of all shapes.” Really? He sees nothing wrong with this? I got news for him. There are NO Muslim children in the Catholic Church. If you do not believe what the Catholic Church teaches, do not go there. He simply wants to force his lifestyle on everyone. It really is that simple.
Would it surprise you to learn that Glen Murray is a homosexual and has long fought for gay rights in Ontario and all of Canada. He is using his position as a cabinet minister to push his personal homosexual philosophy onto the people of Quebec. Murray has no respect for anyone else’s religious beliefs if they are different from his and now he is trying to force all Catholic schools to act in direct violation of their religious views.
The crux of Murray’s Accepting Schools Act or SB 13 is more about promoting homosexual rights rather than the anti-bullying measures he claims. The bill is also supposed to stop any anti-hate language which Murray defines as any speech that condemns his perverse gay lifestyle. Incorporated into the anti-measure of Bill 13 is a provision that requires, yes, REQUIRES all publicly funded schools including Catholic schools to form clubs for gays and straights in the hope that it would help make homosexuality better accepted among straight students.
Suresh Dominic of Campaign Life Catholics reacted to Murray’s announcement by saying that his actions amount to a declaration of war against the Catholic Church and all they believe in. He also added,
"We’ve been saying all along that McGuinty wants to dictate what the Church can teach in its schools and here it is straight from the government’s mouth.”
Dominic and other Catholic leaders in Ontario are mounting a defensive move and calling for all Catholics and Protestants to fight against Murray and his gay rights bill. Their calls have been heard as over 2,000 people gathered at Queen’s Park last Thursday in a unified effort to defeat passage of Bill 13.
Even though this is all taking place on the other side of our northern border, similar actions are not out of the question from our own national government, especially when you consider the contraception mandate which is still being fought against by Christian schools and organizations across the nation.Yup. Once you allow the government to open the door and start dictating to you what you can and can't do, they will not stop. This is why it is so important for those that believe in the Constitution, to continue to fight this administration every time they attempt to overstep their authority.
Look, it really is simple. If you do not agree with what a religious organization is teaching, do not go there. Just like anything else. I do not like, nor agree with, the New Black Panthers. I'm not going to join the group and then tell them that they have to change because I'm there. I'm not going to join the Muslim Brotherhood and tell them that they can no longer pray to Allah, because that offends me. I'm not going to join a Liberal Group and demand that they actually educate themselves. I am simply not going to join.
If Murray, or Obama, or me, or anyone, do not agree with the teachings of the Catholic Church, then we simply need to stay out of it. But we do not have the right to tell them they can not be who they are, because we do not agree. That is insane. It is also against US Law.
Link: Godfather Politics -Ontario Government Declares War Against Catholic Church and Schools
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