Supreme Leader Obama
Some would like this. Some are trying to get
this. {Originally posted Sunday, January 18, 2009}
Hey folks,
I know, I know, some of you do not want to hear this.
Some of you STILL, in the face of all the things you are seeing right in front
of you, think that it could never happen here. I know that I and many others
have warned you before. You just do not understand what is REALLY at stake
I have now posted Why Socialism Is Possible on two different occasions. I have referred to it several more. I have to again today.
Remember, the key points here.
1- A Dictator or a Socialist Society, can not rise on it's own. The PEOPLE allow it and make it happen.
2- The first thing that any good Dictator does is take steps to ensure that they stay in power.
3- While they do this, they silence there opposition.
4- They start "giving people what they want."
I pointed out Hugo Chavez. The first thing he did was
take steps to ensure he does not lose power. He nationalized many private
industries and the energy industries. He shut down some Radio and TV stations.
He CHANGED the Constitution to give him more and lasting power. He had people
helping him.
The pro-Chavez legislature already has approved 33 other changes to the constitution. They are to be considered in a referendum slated for December 2.
“We will do what we have to do to approve the constitutional reforms that the president proposes because that is what the people want,” said Iris Varela, a pro-Chavez member of parliament.
Hey folks,

I have now posted Why Socialism Is Possible on two different occasions. I have referred to it several more. I have to again today.
Remember, the key points here.
1- A Dictator or a Socialist Society, can not rise on it's own. The PEOPLE allow it and make it happen.
2- The first thing that any good Dictator does is take steps to ensure that they stay in power.
3- While they do this, they silence there opposition.
4- They start "giving people what they want."

The pro-Chavez legislature already has approved 33 other changes to the constitution. They are to be considered in a referendum slated for December 2.
“We will do what we have to do to approve the constitutional reforms that the president proposes because that is what the people want,” said Iris Varela, a pro-Chavez member of parliament.
Enter Obama. The Obamaide drinkers are insanely obsessed with him. He has become an Icon and he hasn't even been sworn in yet. He has done NOTHING, yet some want his head on Mount Rushmore. Can you say Golden Idol? He is in comic books, can you say brainwashing the youth?
Now as I said before, President Bush opened up the whole nationalizing thing. Obama will simply continue with most in this country welcoming it. We already have some in Government that wants to in essence silence the opposition. Can you say "Hush Rush" the Fairness Doctrine?
So we have Nationalization of Private Industries and some are seeing to Nationalize that Energy Industries. Can you say Maxine Waters? "Yeah but, we are not going to allow him to mess with the Constitution. Right?" Wrong. Enter New York Congressman Jose Serrano (D)

Folks, you really can not make this stuff up. This is NOT a conspiracy theory. This is not someone blowing smoke up your, uh, you know. This is HAPPENING right in front of you. It makes sense, New York is where they Voted to allow the Mayor to serve a third term. Against the Will of MOST people by the way. According to this piece by the Political Machine- Three Terms for Barack Obama? By Mark Impomeni Jan 14th 2009 10:00PM
Until 1951, there was nothing preventing a president from seeing election for more than two terms. But all presidents prior to Franklin Delano Roosevelt honored a tradition begun by George Washington and served only two consecutive terms. Roosevelt stood for election for an unprecedented third term at the dawn of World War II and was elected to a fourth, only to die in office within months of his inauguration. He is the only American president to serve more than two terms.
The theory behind the 22nd Amendment is that modern day presidents exercise too much power and authority to be allowed access to it for very long. On the other hand, the presidency is the only federal office that is term-limited. The same arguments in favor of limiting presidents' time in office can be applied to Representatives and Senators as well.
As well it SHOULD be. People like Pelosi and Reid, who actively engaged in Treason during a time of War, should have been arrested, but at the least, should not be allowed to hold an office of power longer than say two or four terms. Why allow them a lifetime to screw things up?
As I also pointed out to you that some ACTUALLY LIKED Hitler. They actually saw positive things during his time in power.
The poll, which had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points, showed that people 60 or older had the highest regard for aspects of the era, with 37 percent answering “yes.”
37 percent said that they thought the time of Hitler was positive. The point is folks, it seems to be in reverse here. The LWL are getting to our youth. They are attempting to indoctrinate them into Liberalism. They are also using the pure and unadulterated hatred for Bush and anything Christian to rev up the Loony base.
So now we have Obama about to take over. We have his own words, his own deeds, his own desires. We also have people that just Blindly follow whatever they are told. Obama keeps nominating CRIMINALS, cheats, and ignorant people, to position of power. He has the Mainstreme Media Drones at his beckoning call. They will dismiss anything negative, and write whatever they are TOLD to. Now he has someone who wants to do away with the Constitution to allow him to stay in power.
You know what the REALLY sad thing is about all this, there really are some people, who think they are intelligent, that are not only allowing this to take place, but are too stupid to see what is right in front of them. Or even worse, they do, and WANT it.
Political Machine- Three Terms for Barack Obama?
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