Hey folks,

The truth is simple folks. If we are ever going to have true equality in this country, we must treat every situation, and everyone, equality. The good, the bad, and yes, even the ugly. We have talked about why Hate Crimes are just wrong. However, if we are going to apply them, then we need to apply them equally as well. If White's are charged with a Hate Crimes if they attack Blacks? Then Blacks MUST be charged with Hate Crimes if they attack Whites. Gays attack anyone non-Gay. Hispanics attack anyone non-Hispanic. ETC.
Is Treyvon Martin any more dead than if he was shoot by a Black guy? Is a Gay person any more dead than if they we killed by another Gay person? Nope. Crime is crime, no matter who commits it against who. But by putting into place "specialty classes," by granting special privileges to one group over another group, no matter what the circumstance, does nothing more than create animosity and has the potential of creating Hate and further dividing the groups.
Then you have those that have found a way to profit from the division. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson is two such examples. See them heading to Baltimore? See them calling for Justice for the White tourist that was beaten, stripped, and left naked in the streets, by a bunch of Blacks? Nope. See them going ANYWHERE and calling for Justice for any Blacks that were killed, or mistreated, by other Blacks? Nope.
Yet, whenever there is a case, like the Jenna Six mess? Remember that one. 6 Black kids beat a White kid, and Al and Jesse planned rallies for the ATTACKERS. Whenever there is a case that they can exploit, for both financial gain and another fifteen minutes in front of a camera, there they are. But this is part of the problem.
Cases like the Duke Lacrosse, the Jenna Six, Tawana Brawley, and other less famous cases, they come to town, divide the Races in the area, incite violence and hatred, then even if they are proven false, such as these, they go home leaving the community far worst off then before they come to town. They go back to their penthouses, and eat their prime rib steaks, sip their adult beverages, and count their money.

Sunday, I posted this Video. It was posted by Mike Carroll. Simply put, Mike is a guy that speaks his mind. He doesn't care about ignorant people calling him names. I got the video from my friend Rich Stevens's Blog. But that is not all my friend Rich Stevens did. He actually had Mike Carroll on his Radio Show on Friday. I also posted the audio of the Show on Sunday.

So I'm actually giving the Award to BOTH. Rich Stevens, who was bold enough to open his Show to this, for this long, even with the possibility of HIM being called a Racist. And to Mike Carroll, who even in the face of being called an Uncle Tom and "Backdoor Man," was bold enough to not only post a video, which by the way was viewed 50,000 times at the beginning of the Show, to 798,668 views with 6,306 likes, 187 dislikes., but to go on a Radio show and defend his position on the topic.
Rich did this in an attempt to bring the Races together, in an attempt to open a dialog and end the violence in the community, as a whole. Congratulations to both of you. You are the Winners of the Display of Logic Award, for today, Sunday, April 22nd, 2012. Mike, keep speaking the truth. Rich, keep up doing the good work you do.
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