It's not about Contraceptives. It's not about Religion. It's not about Politics.
Hey folks,

Out of those left, the only one that stood a chance was Rick. Not a great chance. Nearly an impossible chance. But there was hope. Now he is out. Now we have Romney, Gingrich, and Paul. Just doing the numbers, one has to realize that Newt and Ron do not stand a chance in catching Romney.
So now we have our guy. Even if he is NOT our first choice, he is the alternative to another four years of what we have now. Record high unemployment. Record high debt. Record high foreclosures. Record high energy costs. 88 million people have left the job market. Nearly half of all Americans are currently un or under employed. Some say this has been done on purpose. More dependent people relying on Government to meet their everyday daily needs, the more likely they are to Vote for those that promise to keep their checks coming.
Governor Christie in NJ is feeling the heat again for calling it what it is. He said this at the New York Historical Society.
"It’s because government’s now telling them, stop dreaming, stop striving, we’ll take care of you. We’re turning into a paternalistic entitlement society. That will not just bankrupt us financially, it will bankrupt us morally.
When the American people no longer believe that this is a place where only their willingness to work hard and to act with honor and integrity and ingenuity determines their success in life, then we’ll have a bunch of people sitting on a couch waiting for their next government check."He is telling the truth here. Look folks, it is simple to understand. It's not about Contraceptives. It's not about Religion. It's not about Politics. It truly IS about the very survival of this Country. It IS about our Nation as Founded. It IS about FREEDOM. It IS about America itself.
We have a President that wants to destroy the Country the way it was founded, and remake it into the USSA. The United Socialist States of America. {By the way, I've been saying this a lot longer than Savage.} He WANTS an Obamanation with him in charge. This is just fact. This is just reality. This is way he needs to be stopped.
I was a BIG Mitt guy last time around. You all know this. Him or McCain? The choice was clear. Now he is not my choice, but he is what we got. He CAN beat Obama. What we need to do is stop the nonsense. What we need to do is come together behind him. Look at the 2010 Elections. We won in landslides all across this Country. We won because we were all standing united, as one, saying ENOUGH!
This is what we need to do again. Romney is the guy. The numbers prove it. He is the one we got. I hope he makes a wise choice for a VP. That could make all the difference in the world. But Newt and Ron need to bow out. We need to unite behind Romney. We need to BEAT Obama. It truly is, just that simple.
Archives -Gov. Christie: Nation turning into 'people sitting on a couch waiting for their next government check' Published: Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 7:36 PM Updated: Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 9:38 PM
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