Hey folks,

Now there are many others that have shown possibilities. There are many others that have had breakthroughs. We have discussed these. Skin cells. Adult Stem Cells. Using cells from your own body, etc.
The only reason some fight so hard to keep Embryonic Stem Cell research funding going, is that they have linked it to abortion. They have joined the two in some sort of false argument. So now if anyone deems an Embryo as a person, then creating one, just to destroy it, would be murder, just like abortion. However they argue, they need to do this, it's not a person, it is a possible saving grace medical procedure that could cure Parkinson's, help the crippled to walk, all sorts of good things.
Problem is, it does none of this. It has shown no progress at all. Yet instead of doing away with funding to a failed idea, and redirecting that funding to areas of research that DO show progress, they continue to argue for Embryonic Stem Cell research. This is because of politics more than cure.
So here we go again folks. Another possible breakthrough is coming in the world of Stem Cell research. This time, and just like all the others, it's adult cells removed from the patient, modified, and put back in. Now this is from one of my new foreign friends. I had to translate it. It's actually in Hungarian. But I think it's a great peace. According to Richpoi - Stem cells protect against the adverse effects of chemotherapy
Shield with a genetically modified stem cells could soon be used to protect cancer patients in the organization of the adverse effects of chemotherapy, the initial U.S. clinical trial results are encouraging.
The chemotherapeutic agents attempt to kill rapidly dividing cancer cells, but these compounds can attack healthy tissue, so the bone marrow as well. Entirely new approach has been used to solve the problem in Seattle, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center experts who have genetically modified stem cells mentenék the chemotherapy patients treated with bone marrow cells. The human body circulating blood components constantly arise in the bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells are formed, and enter the bloodstream .
The bone marrow cells but are highly responsive to chemotherapy drugs attack.Chemotherapy is a result of decreases in white blood cell production, which increases the patient's risk of infections, but will be less red blood cell count, which is fatigue and difficulty breathing lead. Both side risks from the patient, so the chemotherapy treatment often must be stopped, should be suspended or be delayed, and smaller doses of chemotherapy administered.
You have heard it said that at times, the treatment is worse the the decease? In some cancer patients, this is very true. You loose your hair. You become sick. You can't move. Some ultimately decide to say enough is enough. They stop the treatment and just accept death. It happens more than you think. Some are too weak, and the Doctors stop the treatment.
In turn reduces the effectiveness of treatment. Hans-Peter Kiem, Science Translational Medicine journal study published in the professional research team, lead author of three brain tumors, glioblasztómás patient has tried the new technique, which attempts to protect the bone marrow.
"It is as if at the same time shooting the tumor cells and bone marrow cells, but latter shield would see it, while the cancer cells unprotected letting" - summed up by the BBC Portal is (www.bbc.co.uk) Jennifer Adair, the paper's authors. The procedure for the first time in glioblasztómás marrow from patients and from stem cells obtained from.
In these stem cells injected into the viral vector using a gene that protects cells from the effects of chemotherapy.
Then an infusion of genetically modified stem cells are returned to the circulation of cancer patients. This type of cancer 12 months, the mean survival time at which all three patients survived, one of them even now, 34 months later, alive. All three are better tolerated than usual in the chemotherapy side effects are not logged in while.
The next research step will be to a greater number of patients with other types of chemotherapy and other cancer types also treated to test the new method.
So three patients have received this new method of treatment. ALL did much better with Chemo. I believe this piece is saying that they we all given 12 months to live, One is still alive 34 months later. This is not claiming to be a cure for the disease, but rather a help for the treatment. Which means two still passed from the disease, but all tolerated the Chemo treatments better than the norm.
This is great news. I would love to follow up on this later on, when more people are treated in this way. If you know anyone who has had Chemo, all will tell you, it's not fun. Some even choose not to have it at all. Lets hope they keep up the good work, and concentrate on areas like this, that does show progress, and stop playing political games with peoples lives.
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