Hey folks,

On Friday, The House of Representatives voted 299-120.
"It shall be the policy of the United States to take all necessary measures, including military action if required, to prevent Iran from threatening the United States, its allies or Iran's neighbors with a nuclear weapon."Yup. The House approved Obama to use force, aka military action against Iran, if he so deems necessary, to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. A nuclear weapon that they are building. A nuclear weapon that the will use to "wipe Israel off the map." Have you heard or seen this reported anywhere?
Now this still has to pass the Harry Reid Senate, which many feel is unlikely to pass there. But do not be so sure. Obama may want this to pass, in turn, it will. What does this all mean?
We have talked about Iran and Little Hitler for years. I have watched Ahmadinejad rise to power. I have listened to his own words. Watched his own actions. I am more of an expert on Iran and Little Hitler, than anyone in this administration.
We know that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, current president of Iran, is on a mission. He feels his mission is from God. His sole quest, is to convert the world to Islam, or destroy those who do not. He dreams of a world under sharia law, with him in charge of course.
His main and first objective? "Wipe Israel off the map." His second? Destroy the "great satin" aka America. He has been working on this quietly and slowly for years. Up until this administration, he feared an American military intervention. He, and the rest of the world by the way, had no doubt that we would do whatever we needed to, to defend our allies and our own interests.
Then this administration took over. What did Obama do? He shunned our allies. Extended his hand in friendship to our enemies. He attempted to dictate to Israel that they give up land, go back to indefensible 1967 boundaries. He compared their enemies to American Black Slaves. He just recently HELPED the Muslim Brotherhood take over a big chuck of the Middle East. Little Hitler, feeling emboldened, stepped it up.
Liberals in this country, still to this day, talk about negotiations. Britain, China, France, Russia, Germany, and the United States, will meet with Iran representatives next week in Baghdad for talks on Tehran's nuclear program.
Here is the problem with negotiations. They have to be two sided. I have 1, 2, 3, You have A, B, C. I what your B, C. You want my 1, 2, and 3. So we talk. I tell you you can have 2, 3. I want your C, A. You agree to give me your C, if I give you my 1,3. We are negotiating. We may or may not reach a deal. However, if I say I want your A, B, C, and you say you want my 2, 3, and I turn around and say NO. I will kill you and TAKE your A, B, C. Where is the negotiation? There is none.
Little Hitler, wants NOTHING from us. They want nothing from Israel. They want Israel and us, DEAD. Where is the negotiation? Where is the starting point? There is none. Iran WILL have a nuclear bomb. They WILL use it. They will not give up this quest. They will not stop. Until someone stops them. Period.
So is this a good thing that The House passed this? Will the Senate? There are two possibilities. One, Obama wants this for purely political reasons. He can say to the Jewish Voter, and to our allies, "see, I'm serious." Or he could just use this as leverage in dealing with other foreign governments. Or, he will shoot this down, as a sign he is willing to negotiate more with Iran. Basically put off anything until after the election.
Just remember folks, just because this passes, even if it passes in the Senate, doesn't mean Obama will ever use it. But then again, it IS an election year. He is hurting in the polls. Would he actually go to war with a country, just to get reelected? Uh, yup. Even if it does help our allies in the process.
Iran Focus -US lawmakers approve use of force as Iran option
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