Hey folks.

"Clean your own house, Eric Holder, before you come trying to clean mine. This is a coordinated effort directed from the White House to deflect attention from Eric Holder’s failure to cooperate in the congressional investigation into Fast and Furious.
I won’t surrender. I intend to fight back.”
As well he should. Man, I'll tell you what. This is completely insane. This is such a reach over the Constitutional line it's not even funny. Obama and crew actually want to put "federal monitors"in to, in essence, take over, the Maricopa County Sheriff Department. It reminded me of the line in Star Wars....
General Tagge: But that's impossible! How will the Emperor maintain control without the bureaucracy?Not a battle station, but fear of the power of the federal government. Fear that they will come after you and destroy your life. Fear that they will come into the State and change things to the way they feel they should be by getting rid of the State's Constitution. This is how all dictators run their country. Not America.
Governor Tarkin: The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line.
We have already seen this administration completely ignore the Constitution. If they do not agree with something, they simply ignore it. If States do something they do not agree with, they attack the State. They sue. {Which is not Constitutional either} to attempt to force the State to submit to their will. Now they are talking about putting federal "garrisons" in various states to ensure that they follow to will for the Emperor, Barack Hussein Obama?
Well, Sheriff Joe Arpaio is saying enough is enough. According to Stand With Arizona.com -Justice Department Sues Sheriff Joe; Defiant Arpaio Says ‘Clean Your Own House’ By on May 10, 2012in Blog, News, Opinion
This Administration has already dismantled the enforcement regime against illegal aliens. They engineered a unilateral amnesty for nearly 2 million illegal aliens by a stroke of Obama’s pen last August. They sued to stop states like Arizona, Alabama and Georgia from enforcing existing immigration laws after the Feds failed to do so. The Attorney General has bullied states like Texas and South Carolina, by blocking voter ID laws designed to stop voter fraud by illegal aliens and others.It goes on to say this..
The Obama cabal’s intent to target Sheriff Joe was made clear early on, when on March 11, 2009 – at a time when most cabinet departments were barely even staffed – the DOJ announced a full investigation of Arpaio’s department for “discriminatory police practices and unconstitutional searches and seizures”. What evidence had they amassed after only 49 days in office? They revealed none.
But just six months before that, in September 2008, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) did its own exhaustive investigation of Arpaio’s office — and gave it a clean bill of health.
ICE said Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) Sheriff and deputies were “professional”, had “met the requirements” of Federal guidelines, which included a ban on racial profiling.
They went on:
ICE investigators also interviewed top federal officials involved in illegal immigrant cases in Arizona. They found an “excellent” working relationship between the sheriff’s office and the feds. ICE talked as well to federal prosecutors in Phoenix, who described the cases brought by Maricopa County as “high quality.“
Yet just six months later, a barely-staffed DOJ accused Arpaio and his department of “discriminatory police practices”? What had changed? Nothing. It was pure politics. That’s all it is, all it ever was.
And so, this afternoon, after months of unsuccessfully trying to compel Sheriff Joe to cave in to their ridiculous demand to take over his department; and only 2 weeks after their humiliating beat-down in front of the U.S. Supreme Court over S.B. 1070, the Department of Justice sued Arpaio, his office, and Maricopa County, in U.S. District Court in Phoenix.
Thomas Perez, the head of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division – yes, the same one which dropped a case of clear voter intimidation by the New Black Panther Party in 2009, said
“The police are supposed to protect and serve our communities, not divide them. If you look Latino (in Maricopa County), you are fair game.”.
Perez is one of many former La Raza radicals who have been given faux legitimacy via their elevation to powerful positions in the Obama Administration – including Cecilia Munoz and Hilda Solis – and they play the dirtiest racial politics America has ever seen.It really is simple. Come here legally, you will be welcomed. Come here legally, you will not be called illegal. Come here legally, and you will not face deportation. Why is this so hard to understand? Not to mention, this little thing called State Rights. Which means the federal government has no say in what the states do. Especially, as in this case, if the state is simply following federal law.
You can go HERE, and sign the petition if you so chose. You do not have to live in Maricopa County. Congratulations Sheriff Joe. For standing up to an illegal and out of control federal government, you are the winner of the Display of Logic Award for today, Sunday, May 13th, 2012. I'm sure you will find most Americans standing up with you. We are on your side. Stay strong Sheriff. Stay strong.
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