Hey folks,

[While we can't verify the accuracy of this 'DHS whistleblower' we feel we should at least inform of the possibility.]
However, in light of the reality of what is actually going on right in front of our face, and due to two other very specific reasons, I will post this one, in just a second. First, lets talk about reality, and what we know.
We know that the Liberals can not win an intellectual debate. Until just about 5 years ago, they even attempted to hide who they really are, and what they actually believed. However, with the 2006 Democrat win, and the win of Barack Obama, they, and their willing accomplices in the mainstream media, decided that America was ready to accept them for who they are. I think it's CNBC even adopted the motto, "Lean Forward." Obama's re-election slogan? Forward. The word Forward has direct links to Socialists and Marxist Regimes all around the world, all throughout history. So they are not even attempting to hind who they are now.
Obama, and his willing accomplices in the mainstream media, can not stand on Obama's actual record. Lets look at this record. Record high unemployment. Record high foreclosures. Record high number of people on food stamps. Record high debt. Record high energy prices. FAILED policies all over the place. It is the liberal agenda that created this mess we are in. It was Obama, and liberal policies that put us here. So they can not stand on their record.
So they do all they can. All they have to use, is page one, in the liberal playbook. Distract, attack, and attempt to destroy their "enemies." First, distract. "War on women." "Dog kettles on cars." One incident that is not panning out to be true, something that happened in 1965. Uh, oh yeah "I believe Gay people have a right to marry. But those against it, uh, don't worry. I do not plan to do anything about it. I'll leave that up to the states. But to my gay friends, see. I'm with ya."
When all this fails, and people still want to talk about failed policies and flawed ideas and beliefs, use the A-Bomb. The Race Card. If you can not convince someone to see things your way, call them a Racist. Against Amnesty? Racist. Against Food Stamps? Racist. Against never ending unemployment and welfare? Racist. Against Universal Healthcare that will bankrupt the country? Racist. Against ANYTHING this President says or does, Big time Racist. After all, our President IS a Black guy. You know? Don't forget to scroll down after this Article to read the conspiracy theory.
So when we learned that none of the distractions that they keep throwing out to see if they stick, are working, this comes as no surprise. The liberals are being trained on how to play the Race Card in ANY situation. I'm not kidding. According to the American Spectator - Key Soros Ally Provides Race-Rhetoric Training Session for House Democrats By Robert Stacy McCain on 5.13.12 @ 9:32AM
A non-profit organization that provided training last week to House Democrats, portraying Republican opponents as racially motivated, has received significant funding from foundations linked to controversial left-wing multibillionaire George Soros.Who by the way, IS the MMD Guru.
Soros’s Open Society Institute has given $75,000 to the Center for Social Inclusion, which has also received more than $850,000 from the Soros-connected Tides Foundation/Tides Center since 2005, according to documents obtained by The American Spectator.
In a training session for House Democrats and their congressional staffers last week, Center for Social Inclusion founder and president Maya Wiley described “conservative messages”as being “racially coded,” and suggested that Democrats “raise racial disparities” in public policy discussions, Joel Gerhke of the Washington Examiner reported.So the Liberals are being trained on how to play the Race Card. I thought that Obama was suppose to be this big uniter. Was he not suppose to bring people together? Was there suppose to be true equality and finnally move past racism if he was elected? Was the Ocean levels not suppose to recede? I thought utopia was right around the corner. Elect "The One" and all will be paradise.
Truth is, he was not the messiah they told us he was. He is not God. He is not the smartest guy in the room. He is not even the most qualified guy in the room. He is nothing more that a Socialistic, Racist, Dictator wannabe. I and many others warned you about this.
So now to the conspiracy theory. I get these things from time to time, and most of the time, I read, laugh, click delete. I sometimes respond in the Emails to the sender. Sometimes not. But this one? Like I said, I am going to post it for three very specific reasons. One, the sender. BG. A long time supporter of the Our oPinion Network. {The OPN} He is a smart guy. Very Political. He has NEVER sent me anything like this in the past. Two, because of what is going on right now in front of all our faces. The Occupy Movement. The Trayvon Effect. This training on how to play the Race Card. All this. Keep all this in mind when you read it. Third? Because we know that Dictators, do not want to leave power. I have talked about some in the government openly talking about doing away with elections. I posted a video on this. We have some in the press that said they wish Obama could be President for life. We know he wouldn't mind that. He already thinks he is a King. For these three reasons I will post it. Without comment. Just read it, and decide for yourself.
So the Liberals are actually being taught, how to divide the Races. Why? Well, like I said, I do not usually post conspiracy theories. However, in light of all this? One does have to think about it...Be right back..
American Spectator - Key Soros Ally Provides Race-Rhetoric Training Session for House Democrats
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