Hey folks,

So CJ seems to be upset that I am holding some in the media accountable for the increase in racial violence that is taking place all across the country. That I am calling them out on inciting hate and violence. I AM. What do I mean when I said "It's time that average everyday folks, stand up, and say enough. It's time that true community leaders stand up and speak on this. It's time we stop just blowing all this off. You want a full blown race war in the streets? That's where we are heading. We already have blood in the streets. We need true leaders, and a willing media, to stand up and do the right thing. Denounce the violence. They can start, by actually reporting on incidents like this, and call for justice."
It's simple CJ. Whenever an incident like the Trayvon Case happens, the media has a choice. Whenever things like the Duke Lacrosse case happen, the media has a choice. They can report FACTS, or they can make the news. This is just the latest example. Lets look at the Zimmerman case.
A HISPANIC male, on neighborhood watch, shoots and kills a Black, 17 year old, of whom he claims attacks him. We get? WHITE 'hispanic' male kills BLACK kid. We get pictures of a 13 year old, clean cut, happy looking, poor Black kid. We get EDITED video and EDITED 911 recordings reported.
NBC knowingly airs these edited recording. These edited recordings show no injuries on Zimmerman. The 911 call is made to sound as if Zimmerman uses a racial slur. Now we learn complete conversations were edited. Cute the race baiters. The media reports on them. Now we have the Trayvon Effect all across this country. People being attacked solely based on the color of their skin as some sort of "retribution" for the injustice that was done to Trayvon.
Wait, I just got this. Hold on. Yup. Here it is.
The Blaze - Third Employee Fired After Another Edited George Zimmerman 911 Tape Surfaces
And then there were three.
A third NBC employee has been fired from the network after yet another misleadingly edited George Zimmerman 911 tape surfaced from the Trayvon Martin shooting.
Lilia Luciano, a Miami-based correspondent, “is no longer working for the network,” TVNewser reports. Her firing follows the axing of an NBC producer who edited the original 911 call that caused so much controversy as well as a local NBC reporter, Jeff Burnside, who was found to have used a similarly-edited recording.
TVNewser explains what happened with the latest incident:
In a story for the “Today” show on March 20, Luciano used part of the George Zimmerman 911 call in which an entire phrase (italicized below) was taken from a later part of the conversation:
Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good or on drugs or something. He’s got his hand in his waistband. And he’s a black male.Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah.
Dispatcher: Okay, we don’t need you to do that.
But here’s how the call really went:
Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.
Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he white, black, or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.
NBC confirmed to Newser that Luciano is no longer with the network after having joined them a short 18 months ago from Univision. Her firing came after an internal investigation into the incident.Now do not get me wrong here CJ. There was most definitely a cover up here. But it had more to do with political and personal ties between Zimmerman, his Father, and local Police Department. It had nothing to do with race. ZERO! This was NOT a Black White thing until the media and the race baiters made it a Black White thing. And it really IS, just that simple.
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