Hey folks,

If you, being nonreligious, decide you do not care about the Sabbath, or you decide you like meat, or you do not care about swearing, you do not have to follow these ordinances of faith. If you are religious, you have a right in this country TO observe these ordinances.
Now, go to China. Go to Cuba. Go to England. Wherever. Tell them that you do not agree with their law on this or that. Demand that they change their laws to suit you. See what happens to you. Do you think they will just bow down to you, and change who they are, just for you?
The simple answer is no. As a matter of fact, you may be asked to leave. If you are lucky. In some cases, if you do not get killed, you may get locked up in jail for years. Why do you think so many people risk their very lives to come here? Freedom.
So there is a move in this country, by some in the Islamic Religion, that want to bring Sharia Law to America. Others feel that if someone is arrested, they should be tried under the laws of their given religion. Or in a divorce or other civil matters, the court needs to observe religious laws and commandments when attempting to decide the case. In other words. If Muslim Males beheads their Wives, it should be OK, because it's in their religion.

So our Winner of the Display of Logic Award, stood up, and did the right thing.
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback has signed a law aimed at keeping the state's courts or government agencies from basing decisions on Islamic or other foreign legal codes, and a national Muslim group's spokesman said Friday that a court challenge is likely.
The new law, taking effect July 1, doesn't specifically mention Shariah law, which broadly refers to codes within the Islamic legal system. Instead, it says courts, administrative agencies or state tribunals can't base rulings on any foreign law or legal system that would not grant the parties the same rights guaranteed by state and U.S. constitutions.
"This bill should provide protection for Kansas citizens from the application of foreign laws," said Stephen Gele, spokesman for the American Public Policy Alliance, a Michigan group promoting model legislation similar to the new Kansas law. "The bill does not read, in any way, to be discriminatory against any religion."Nope. What it does, is says that Courts have to try cases based on US law. Imagine that. You live in America. You need to follow American laws. Really?
Brownback's office notified the state Senate of his decision Friday, but he actually signed the measure Monday. The governor's spokeswoman, Sherriene Jones-Sontag, said in a statement that the bill "makes it clear that Kansas courts will rely exclusively on the laws of our state and our nation when deciding cases and will not consider the laws of foreign jurisdictions."Why would you? Seriously. Why would an American Court observe foreign law? Now the PEOPLE of the State of Oklahoma already spoke on this..
Oklahoma voters approved a ballot initiative in 2010 that specifically mentioned Shariah law, but both a federal judge and a federal appeals court blocked it.Of course they did. Liberals do not care about the People. They do not care about America. Or American law. They care about agendas and votes. They care about themselves and what they think is the right way to view anything. They are always right, and the smartest people in the room, in their minds, and you will do whatever they tell you to. If not, they will simply ignore you. In some cases, create laws, to force you to see things their way.
I have no idea why this was even an issue. Congratulation Gov. Sam Brownback, for doing the obvious and right thing here, spelling out to the courts, that they have to follow US Law, {Sigh} You ARE the Winner of the Display of Logic Award for today, Sunday, May 27th 2012. Now can we maybe pass a law that says the President and his Administration need to follow the US Constitution? They obviously do not think so.
Fox News - Kansas gov. signs measure blocking Islamic law
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