Hey folks,

I do not know what happens. I do not know if it's in the water? I do not know if it's all the free money floating around finds it's way into their pockets? I do not know if it's as simple as them wanting to further their careers? I have no idea what it is. Frankly, I do not care.
I'm tired of people, truly good people, that take the step, go out there, get attacked, their families get attacked, and survive the process, only to get in, and disappoint. They just assimilate into the system. They say all the right things when running, only to get in and forget what they said.
Many of these folks, seem so disconnected to reality, it's not even funny. So when one shows a glimmer of still being grounded in reality, it's almost rare. Our Winner are one of these people.
He just said this....
“The EPA is actually trying to shut down steel manufacturing in America.
Their analysis is both technically and scientifically flawed. The remediation and compliance requirements – to put a dome over those facilities – is economically infeasible.
They’ll shut down. We’ll lose 500-plus jobs and America will have to buy manganese from our competitors, like China.
That’s a national security issue, and it’s just another example of how the rhetoric coming out of the White House says one thing, and their actions and policies are doing something different.”What about all this new growth that Obama and his administration love to take credit for?
“The growth is occurring in spite of the president and vice president and their policies, not because of them."
So why does the federal EPA need to insert itself into a process that’s working very well already?He's not a kook. He's not saying that he wants the government to get out of the way totally. He is not calling for big companies to be free to do whatever they want..

“I’m all for common-sense regulations, but ‘no’ should not be the final answer for any of these industries,” Johnson said. “That’s not what the American people expect. That’s not what the American people deserve.”
Amen brother. His name is Rep. Bill Johnson, of Ohio. You see, what he is talking about are these new regulations that the EPA just "dictated" these private companies have to succumb to. Once in place, these new regulations could effectively close the nation’s only two makers of manganese ferroalloy, a critical component in steel manufacturing. There are only really TWO. They would both be forced to close. One plant is in Marietta, Ohio. The other, in Letart, W. Va.
He is truly concerned about this. he's right when he said it's a national security issue. We have talked about that in depth in the past. This administration is doing the exact opposite than what they should be doing to get us out of this mess that they, and liberal policies, have put us in.
Congratulations Rep. Bill Johnson. For understanding reality, and having the boldness to stand up and speak the truth, you are the winner of Display of Logic Award, for today, Sunday, May 20th, 2012. Thank you sir for getting the message out there. The more people that hear the truth, the more power the people have. Keep up the good work Sir. We got your back..
Newsmax.com - Ohio Rep. Johnson: EPA Rules Crippling my State
Friday, 18 May 2012 06:12 PM By Todd Beamon and John Bachman
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