Hey folks,

Another reason more and more people are leaving, is one specific reason. One department that is one of the most intrusive in government history. The Food Police. These are those that feel you are too stupid to make good decisions on what you should and should not eat. They feel they need to step in and BAN what they do not like. For your own good of course.
We all know about the stuff they have already ban. Salt, frying oil, hell, NYC Mayor Bloomberg even ban food going to homeless shelters. Well, he picked up the phone again folks. This time, he issued an order to the Food Police, no more Slurpees.
I'm not kidding folks.
The proposed ban would affect virtually the entire menu of popular sugary drinks found in delis, fast-food franchises and even sports arenas, from energy drinks to pre-sweetened iced teas. The sale of any cup or bottle of sweetened drink larger than 16 fluid ounces — about the size of a medium coffee, and smaller than a common soda bottle — would be prohibited under the first-in-the-nation plan, which could take effect as soon as next March.Bloomberg, who is in his unconstitutional, and voter rejected third term, actually said this...
“Obesity is a nationwide problem, and all over the United States, public health officials are wringing their hands saying, ‘Oh, this is terrible,.’ New York City is not about wringing your hands; it’s about doing something. I think that’s what the public wants the mayor to do.”
You think WRONG Bloomy. The public does NOT want the government dictating to them how to live their lives. They do NOT want the government telling them what they can and can't eat, drink, or anything else. You are WRONG sir.
When asked if he thought that this would limit the freedom to buy whatever the person wants to buy, he said this...
“Your argument, I guess, could be that it’s a little less convenient to have to carry two 16-ounce drinks to your seat in the movie theater rather than one 32 ounce,” Mr. Bloomberg said in a sarcastic tone. “I don’t think you can make the case that we’re taking things away.”
You arrogant, liberal, nut job. No wonder they call you Nanny Bloomberg. I hope this IS what people do. If I had a business that sold soda, I would sell two 16 oz for the price of a thirty two. I would simply do a buy one get one free thing. I hope others do the same. It's about time people in NYC stood up and said enough.
What about the lost business? Oh he thinks it'll be fine. If businesses see a lost in revenue, his answer? Just charge more for smaller drinks. I kid you not.
Now Bloomy here, has been attacking soda for a while. He tried a state tax on soda, to limit the sale. Much like the cigarette tax. The sane folks in Albany squashed that. Then he tried to say, NO SODA if you are on food stamps. But that failed as well. The feds said, uh, you can't do that. So all this is, is an attempt to limit soda, without having to have sane people get involved.
I have a feeling, sad as it is, that even though this loon is attempting to tell a business like 7-11, that they can not sell one of their signature products, Slurpees, the people in NYC will just lay down and accept it. They have been so conditioned that they will just say OK.
You want the Food Police knocking on your door, checking your cup size? Go for it. As for me? I'll eat what I want. Thank you. I will drink whatever I want. In whatever size cup I want. The Food Police can kiss my, uh, backsides. And people wonder WHY people are leaving liberal looney controlled states in droves? It's not that hard to understand. It's called freedom.
NYT - New York Plans to Ban Sale of Big Sizes of Sugary Drinks By MICHAEL M. GRYNBAUM Published: May 30, 2012
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