Hey folks,

Now this sort of thing happens in China. In some cases, they have a bucket of water waiting. If the child is born female, they simply drown it. This sort of thing happens elsewhere around the world. But here? In the Land of the Free? This sort of thing is not suppose to be done. We do not kill babies here based on sex. Uh, yup. Actually we do. You know what else? It's legal.
So some in the House decided to try to pass a Bill to make this barbaric practice illegal in this country. Who blocked it? The far left wing liberal loons. The LWL. They are trying really hard to have it both ways. "I don't think a women should have a sex selective abortion. However, those evil republicans want to attack a women's Right to chose." No. No one does. A woman does not have a Right to murder innocent lives. Sorry. Not in the Constitution. Not in the Bible. Not in anything. There is no Right to murder. Anywhere.
Oh, some activist judges said it's OK 40 or 50 something years ago. Doesn't make it a Right. Doesn't make it right. It makes it legal. But not a Right. Slavery was legal. Was that right? Let's get real here folks. I do not care who you are. I do not care how you see yourself. I do not care what you say. If you are Pro-Choice, you ARE Pro-Abortion. It IS that simple. I also do not care if you get upset with this statement of fact.
I had someone the other day say to me. "You know what Pete. I would never have an abortion. But I understand why some would and I believe that they have a Right to chose that for themselves." So you are pro-abortion. "No, no. I hate abortion." You can't have it both ways. If you are pro-choice, you are saying you can have the baby or? The or, is murdering it. So if you say you are pro that option, you are saying, in your own words, you are pro abortion. If you are against abortion, which would mean you do not want abortion, than you are pro-life. It really is that simple. I understand that you do not want to think of yourself being OK with a baby being ripped apart, and the brains sucked out. But, if you are OK with someone choosing this option, you are pro-abortion.
Here is what started this.."Pete, did you see the democrats blocked the 'sex selective abortion bill', H.R. 3541? How is anyone for this? One step closer to 'Chirica?' " Chirica is some of the liberals idea that to save money we should look at China's one child policy. I kid you not. The LWL Environuts think it could also help save the planet.
So we find out that what they are doing in China, some are actually doing HERE. Sex selective slaughtering of innocent females. What else do you call it? I'm no longer calling it a medical procedure. FGM is a medical procedure. Should we all agree that it's OK? Does calling it a medical procedure make it a good thing?
I guess the actual name of this is The Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act (PRENDA), H.R. 3541 The vote was 246-168. What amazes me about the vote is, it fell 30 votes short. 20 democrats voted for the Bill, but get this 7 republicans opposed it. Who are these seven, and what could possibly be their excuse? I do want to know who the republicans were, they need to be thrown out. I do not care who they are. I do not care why they voted against it. I applaud those democrats who DID vote for life. They should be rewarded.
Oh wait!!!! Here it is..
Republicans voting against the bill were Reps. Justin Amash (Mich.), Charlie Bass (N.H.), Mary Bono Mack (Calif.), Robert Dold (Ill.), Richard Hanna (N.Y.), Nan Hayworth (N.Y.), and Ron Paul (Texas).
Democrats voting for it were Reps. Jason Altmire (Pa.), John Barrow (Ga.), Dan Boren (Okla.), Jim Cooper (Tenn.), Jerry Costello (Ill.), Mark Critz (Pa.), Henry Cuellar (Texas), Joe Donnelly (Ind.), John Garamendi (Calif.), Tim Holden (Pa.), Larry Kissell (N.C.), Daniel Lipinski (Ill.), Stephen Lynch (Mass.), Jim Matheson (Utah), Mike McIntyre (N.C.), Collin Peterson (Minn.), Nick Rahall (W.Va.), Silvestre Reyes (Texas), Mike Ross (Ark.) and Heath Shuler (N.C.).
So as far as I'm concerned, those republicans are toast. Period. But, NY, Cal, Ill? Yeah, they are most likely safe. They represent a large number of looneys, so? But those of you out there that are pro-life? You may want to think about them, and this vote, come time for them to run again. And this is also one of the reasons Ron Paul will never be President.
Will this lead to this country adopting a China like, one child policy? It sure does make it easier to decide the sex of the one child. Does it not? This is why I keep telling you folks, of course we need new leadership in this country, but we also need more numbers. Only by sheer numbers can we undo all the damage the LWL have done. Only by sheer numbers can we get things reversed and or even simply passed. Only by sheer numbers can we get things passed that are logical, Just, and just plain right. November is coming. Are you ready?
The Hill -House rejects bill penalizing doctors for sex-selective abortions
05/31/12 02:15 PM ET
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