Thursday, June 28, 2012

Judgement Day For Obamacare Is Here

What the world is watching.

Hey folks,

Is there any doubt whatsoever, on what the world, not just our country, but the world will be talking about? Today is perhaps the second most important Judgement Day, in recent years. November 6, 2012 is the BIG one. That is Judgement Day for America itself. But today? Today we find out if the Supreme Court agrees with the truth. Obamacare is unconstitutional.

Remember back in the beginning of this whole thing. The LWL did everything in their power, bribes, strong arm, illegal tactics, everything and anything they could do to get this thing jammed through. No one wants it. Over two thirds of the America people are against it. They passed this garbage without even reading it.

Obamacare has NOTHING to do with healthcare. NOTHING. It is all about government control over peoples private and personal lives. It's all about growing government. It's all about furthering agendas. Not to mention government control of a HUGE chuck of the economy.

So? Many said, uh, I don't think so. So battles and rhetoric broke out. It ended up in the Supreme Court. The Liberal controlled media, dutifully reported that this was not even a question. Of course the President can do this. He is Obama. He is god. Of course congress has the power to force everyone in the country to buy health insurance. They are smarter than you. They know what is best.

As a matter of fact, when this first went to the Supreme Court, most "reporters" were saying this is a slam dunk for Obama. CNN's Jeffrey Toobin predicted an eight-to-one vote upholding the law. "Reporters" from all the major Networks were echoing him. There is no way this will even be close. Of course the mandate forcing all Americans to buy health insurance is Constitutional. Besides, without that, there is no way to pay for it. Which is true.

But then came the oral arguments. It became apparent, at least it seems apparent, due to the questions the Justices were asking, that they were not willing to lay down and simply rubber stamp Obama and crews Obamacare plans. So they have been doing what they do. Attacking certain Judges, and "reporting" doom and gloom for the country, if Obamacare is not found Constitutional.

I have told you this for years folks. They only attack what they fear. Look at Palin. {Laughing} Look Conservatism itself. Look at Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, all of Conservative Talk Radio itself. Look at their attacks on the New Media. Look at their attacks on the Tea Party. Oh, by the way...

“These Tea Party Republicans have worn out their welcome. But I’m telling you — getting rid of ‘em won’t be easy. They’re not leaving on their own. We’re going to have to boot them out the door like unwanted house guests. That’s why we’ve got to get behind proud Democrats like Louise Slaughter to make sure we can win a Democratic Majority.”

James Carville wrote this in an Email entitled "The Tea Party is Over." No it's not. Look at 2010. Look at 2011. Look at Wisconsin. Look forward to 2012. The Tea Party is one of the reasons that Obamacare and the mandate got to the Supreme Court to begin with. Sorry James.

I know the left love to think that they came up with their own version of the Tea Party in the whole Occupy B.S. However, what has the Occupy crowd actually accomplished? What has the Tea Party actually accomplished. Yeah.

So today is Judgement Day for Obamacare. This should be an interesting day. See you tomorrow to talk about it.

Sources: - James Carville: ‘The Tea Party Is Over’

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