Hey folks,

We all know that the Environuts, the wacko environmental groups out there, have always put their precious "mother earth" over people. Back in 1992, Pat Buchanan accurately said this..
“Environmental extremists who put birds and rats and insects ahead of families, workers, and jobs.”They do. We hear stories all the time of farmers that have owned land for generations, tear down a home or barn, then are told they can't rebuild, because someone found some kind of field mouse. Or someone who buys land is not allowed to use it because someone found a spotted owl. Some have actually come out and said that we need to have a one child policy or start killing off people, there are just too many of us, to save the planet.
They attempted to further their cause with the scam that is "Man-made Global Warming." The Liberal kooks, found that if they could convince people of this BS, they could then enact laws and regulations that would actually put them in control over people's private and daily lives. If fully implemented, they would control everything. From where you live, how you get around, what you eat. EVERY aspect of your life.
Then there are those that find they can make hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars, off this scam. They created nonsensical and pointless "carbon credits" and attempted to force people into abandoning what works, what the world runs on, oil, to, uh, well, there is nothing yet, but just get off of oil, coal, and other things we do not like.
This President and the liberal loons in congress have jumped into this scam head first. They understand the potential of control and money they can reap from it. They do not care about those hurt in the process. Remember, Obama said he WANTED to, and was GOING to, bankrupt the coal industry. He TOLD us this. I posted the video in his own works saying this.
Because of the scam, because of the agenda, entire communities are disappearing. I'll say that again. ENTIRE COMMUNITIES are disappearing. Homes, Businesses, people are forced to move. Obama and the LWL are shutting down entire towns. The EPA is in the process of closing down small town America. And they do not care. As a matter of fact. They want you to feel bad for THEM, for doing it. Here is our Idiot of the Week.
"But know right now, we are, we are struggling. We are struggling because we are trying to do our jobs. Lisa Jackson has put forth a very powerful message to the country. Just two days ago, the decision on greenhouse gas performance standard and saying basically gas plants are the performance standard which means if you want to build a coal plant you got a big problem. That was a huge decision. You can’t imagine how tough that was. Because you got to remember if you go to West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and all those places, you have coal communities who depend on coal. And to say that we just think those communities should just go away, we can’t do that. But she had to do what the law and policy suggested. And it’s painful. It’s painful every step of the way."Yup. They didn't like it. But they had no choice folks. They had to do it. Obama told them to. They hate it. But they had to. Obama said so.
I give EPA Region 1 Administrator Curt Spalding an A for honesty. F for acting sad. But an A for honesty. This is who these people are. We have an agenda, we are sticking to it. If you are in the way. Sorry. You gotta go.
Congratulations Curt, you are the Idiot of the Week. You are also in the running for Idiot of the Year. I'm sure that all those families, and all those who lost their jobs, homes, and entire way of life, are comforted knowing that you personally feel bad for destroying their lives. I'm sure it gives them great comfort. You are nothing but scum Sir. Do not think for one second that you passing this off as, simply you doing what you are told, gives you a pass in being the scum you have become.
The Blaze - ‘Painful Every Step of the Way’: Top EPA Official Inadvertently Tells The Truth About the White House’s Environmental Agenda
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