Hey folks,

We all know what this recall attempt on Scott Walker is all about. Unions. Unions and the Liberal Party. Money. Re-election funds. A scam. Scott Walker came in, saw the problem, and fixed it. In doing so, he cut the union power and control. He weakened the money flow from unions to the democrat party. He weakened the union control over private and state employers and the control over worker's pay. The stealing of worker's pay for "political donations."
So of course, they are attacking him. Forget all the things he put in place are WORKING. They are working for the betterment of all Wisconsin's. But they can't have that. So they buses in tens of thousands of protesters. Spend buckets of money. And now are attempting to commit voter fraud and intimidation on the day of the vote. Even With All THIS, WWW. Walker Wins Wisconsin. That's my prediction. I do not even think it will be as close as they are reporting it will be.
I then told you about the DOJ sending in "observers" and something like 400 lawyers. Fraudulent names on the recall signature lists, buckets of money, shipped in protesters, attack ads, everything they could do, they tried. They only thing they did NOT do, was tell the truth. Wisconsin is far better off today than it was before Walker got there. Conservatism works, liberalism fails, every time they are tried. Oh, and because the people are LIVING this reality, it was not even close.
With nearly all precincts reporting, Walker had 53 percent of the vote, compared with 46 percent for Barrett. The margin of victory was wider than many expected and slightly better than Walker's 5.8 percentage-point victory over Barrett in the 2010 race.Now do not expect them to go away folks. Liberals all over the country are about to lose their mind. Seriously. They just can't accept that the people in Wisconsin rejected them. They are losing their minds. They, the libs. THEY are the smart ones. THEY are in charge. You stupid little people. What is wrong with you. Progressiveness and liberalism is the way to go. Not this stupid smaller less intrusive government plan. Not this conservatism that is based on God, Family, and Faith. Not this Freedom loving stuff. Government. Government is the answer. You stupid people. {Laughing}
I'm being serious here.
Ed Schultz big time Obama supporter and union guy, said Walker should be indicted . I kid you not. He also said that Walker won because of the money that poured in from out of state. REALLY? What about all that money that poured in from out of state unions? But he is about to lose it.
"In many respects it's to be expected, considering how much money was thrown at this race. You know, NBC is calling it for Walker. Okay, I think it's awful close and there's a lot of absentee ballots yet that are still out and it's going to be very, very close down to the wire" MSNBC's Schultz said.
Uh, nope. {Smile}
"Certainly it is not the end and it's going to be an opportunity for the progressive movement to regroup nationally and understand exactly what they are up against," a teary-eyed Schultz lamented.
Uh, yup. You are up against truth, and reality. You are up against educated voters. You are up against people LIVING failed liberal policies. Now people can look at places like Wisconsin, and compare it to places like, oh I don't know, California? New York? Illinois? I bet after the voters voted in Wisconsin, they had no problem going and buying a 32 oz slupee.
"And this sets the template for the Republicans and tells the right-wing in this country that if they can outfund their opponent they have a real good shot as winning," Schultz, an enthurasatic supporter of President Barack Obama in 2008 said toward the end of the segment.Nope. All they have to do is tell the truth. All people have to do is see reality. Unions are thugs. Liberalism has failed. Record debt. Record foreclosures. Record unemployment. Record, even though they are being manipulated right now, energy costs. Then they can look at places like Wisconsin. Other states that are using a conservative model. Other states that are going after our natural resources, like oil and gas. It's pretty easy to see the way we could and should go. Don't ya think?
Then when all else failed. He said this...
"Scott Walker could very well be indicted in the coming days," the MSNBC host said.
Why? Oh, because he won. I get it. {Smile} Because the people rejected you. The people said no to liberalism. So now Eddie here, wants him indicted. They want him destroyed. They want him dead. They can't stand that he won. They can't accept the people rejecting them or liberalism. They are also worried that this will start a domino effect all across the country. Governors growing backbones, and taking on unions.
Despite a last-minute smear campaign accusing Scott Walker of fathering an illegitimate love child, the governor’s recall election victory sends a clear message that should resonate around the nation: The fiscal cancer devouring state budgets has a cure, and he has found it. The costly defeat for the entrenched union interests that tried to oust Walker in retribution for challenging their power was marked by President Obama’s refusal to lend his weight to the campaign for fear of being stained by defeat. We’ll see how well this strategy of opportunistic detachment serves in the fall as Obama reaches out to unions for support.More and more governors across the country will be taking a hard look at this. More and more unions are now in trouble. So is Obama. So is liberalism in general. People are waking up. People are being truly educated. They are living the difference. They are experiencing liberalism and they are experiencing conservatism. They are choosing conservatism.
This is why I doubt this is over in Wisconsin. It is only the beginning of a national movement. They know it. Even though it was not close. Even though the people have spoken. Look for lawsuits, insane accusations, and mind boggling attempts to change what happened. Look for Obama and crew to get even more insane.
I only hope that the way of Wisconsin, goes the country has a whole. May the people turn out in November, and say enough is enough. We tried unhinged, wide open, liberalism. It failed. Time for true hope and true change. Time to tried something that actually works.
AP - Walker to mend political divide with brats, beer
Real Clear Politics - Schultz On Walker Win: He Could "Be Indicted In The Next Few Days"
Forbes - Governor Walker's Victory Spells Doom For Public Sector Unions
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