Hey folks,

Welcome to the Big Sunday Edition of the OPNTalk2 Blog. Glad you stopped by. I am of course your humble host, Peter Carlock, and for questions, comments, complaints, or if you just want to say "Hi" the Email is, as always, opntalk@gmail.com.
I really am in a great mood today. No real reason. I just am. So when I read things like this, it brings my mood down. I was going to lead with a new YCMTSU article. But this is important to point out, so we'll start with this..
Coming right up today?
Steam Cleaning Your Junk At Arby's?
OK. So Iran is not cooperating with Inspectors? They are not giving them the access they are asking for. And the IAEA is disappointed? They are surprised? They expected something different? Seriously? Every time the Inspectors go over there, I tell you the same thing. They are stalling. All that happens is they show them around pointless and cleaned up sites, feed them Tea and Zolbia Bamieh, and then smile and wave "bye bye."
If the Inspectors then point out another site they want to see, Little Hitler, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, says "Screw you. You go away now." Then the Inspectors come back "surprised and disappointed." {Sigh}
All Iran, Little Hitler, the Supreme Leader, Ali Hosseini Khamenei, are doing is stalling. That's it folks. Sanctions do not work. Smiling and waving, coming here to speak to the U.N., talking to college kids, all this? All this is nothing more than stalling tactics. All this is, is them saying "See? we are cooperating. We are peaceful, we mean you no harm."
Meanwhile, they ARE building a nuclear bomb. Remember what the ISIS just reported to us? They have the ability to build FIVE Nuclear Bombs? Five. They will use them. They will wipe Israel off the map. They WILL attempt to bring down the "great satin." That would be us, for those that need a little further help in understanding.
Every time the IAEA goes there, they play these games. Most of the time, the IAEA comes back and writes, "They are years away from having the ability to build Nukes." We already know, and have known, that they are on the cusp NOW of the ability to build not just one, but multiple.
They really are amazed? They are really disappointed?
IAEA inspectors want to go to places inside Iran beyond what is permitted under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. While Iran has been subject to about 4,000 man-days of inspections inside its declared nuclear facilities since 2003, the Vienna-based agency has repeatedly said that it cannot ensure they’ve seen the full scope of the country’s atomic work.{Laughing} I can guarantee you they have not seen everything. Without seeing everything, how can you then come back and tell us ANYTHING that is of use. I love this..Get this..
“The more time we spend now, the better for future implementation” of a deal, Soltanieh said. “We have to be very careful in crafting this text.”So Ali Asghar Soltanieh, is telling the IAEA how to right the report. He is telling them they have to "be very careful" in what they put in print for the world to see. So Iran is writing the report. Folks, it really is simple. They have a stated goal. They have the means to achieve it. They WILL achieve it, if allowed to. They will not stop, until they are stopped. It really is, just that simple.
Again, I'm in a great mood today. I want to keep it that way. So? Going to fill my cup. Blueberry Coffee today. Be right back with the "You Can't Make This Stuff Up" category.
Bloomberg - IAEA disappointed as Iran fails to agree to wider atom probe
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