Hey folks,

Happy Friday to ya. So glad it is. I'm also glad you stopped by today. Let's check one I CAN use..{Smile}
"Hey, Peter, You talk all the time about how the environmental wackos would rather see the demise of man over the natural section process. They would rather see mankind disappear than see a spotted owl, or field mouse be effected in anyway. I bet they are not happy about this."

The Obama administration will not list the dune sagebrush lizard as an endangered species having reached an agreement with oil and gas developers and other stakeholders to protect 650,000 acres of land as habitat for the creature in Texas and New Mexico.
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said the unprecedented agreement commits local governments and industry to help ensure the species’ continued existence by reducing human impact on 88 percent of the lizard’s range.
“This effort is nothing short of historic,” Salazar told reporters during a conference call announcing the decision. “We can accomplish a lot when we set aside divisive rhetoric and focus on real solutions on the ground.”
Dan Ashe, director of the Fish and Wildlife Service, said the lizard’s habitat was in decline primarily due to oil and gas development.
“We believe there is clear and compelling evidence those conservation agreements are going to be effective,” Ashe said. “We have determined that the lizard is no longer in danger of extinction and not likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future.”
“Economic growth and species protection can coexist,” Ashe said. “We know how much people depend on the land for their livelihood… that’s why it was so important to find common ground here. I think this process has shown what we can accomplish when we set aside divisive rhetoric and focus on solutions.”
Environmentalists accused the Obama administration of selling out to energy companies and criticized the decision.
“I think that’s unfortunate we will hear that comment from some groups,” Salazar said. “They may want to keep that conflict going for conflict’s sake. But it is a huge conservation victory. We would simply disagree with them.”
The unprecedented agreement commits the states and other stakeholders to decades of conservation efforts estimated to cost millions of dollars, thereby avoiding a certain shutdown of all oil and gas development near the lizard’s habitat and save thousands of jobs.
“While it was a long and emotional process, in the end, Washington listened,” said Rep. Steve Pearce (R-N.M.). “This is a huge victory for the people who have tirelessly fought to save regional jobs and our way of life.”
The Center for Biological Diversity said the federal government blatantly sidestepped the intentions of the Endangered Species Act, and that the lizard’s existence is vulnerable to an unenforceable, voluntary agreement.
“This decision by the Obama administration to toss aside the Endangered Species Act and bow to the wishes of the oil and gas industry is not only bad news for this rare lizard but sets a dangerous precedent for other declining species,” said Taylor McKinnon, center spokeswoman. “In denying the lizard protection, Secretary Salazar is sticking his head in the sand and ignoring science.”
Salazar said the Fish and Wildlife Service would closely monitor the lizard’s progress to make sure the extensive plans are implemented.
Ashe said that if industry and local governments fail to abide by the plan, they would follow through with the endangered species listing.
“That is ultimately the way we would enforce this,” Ashe said.Here is a message to my liberal friends. He doesn't care about you. He really doesn't. To my friends in the Gay community, he doesn't care about you. He wants your votes. To my minority friends, he doesn't care about you. Look at unemployment numbers, foreclosure numbers, income loss, and general well-being for Blacks in this country. Be honest. He wants you to "Have his back" though. He wants your votes. To my environuts out there. He doesn't care about you. He knows there is more money to be had, and more votes to be had, by those that profit from Oil and Natural Gas, than you. He wants THEIR votes.
It's really not that hard to understand. This IS the new Liberalism. They live in their big homes. Drive their expensive cars, collecting piles of money. Then they tell you you better ride you bike to work, that pays you what they would waste on a pair of shoes, and you better live in a tent somewhere to save the planet. In the environuts case, you should just die, to save the planet.
Barack Obama cares about Barack Obama. Just like any other powerful Lib. he cares about power, control, and of course, money. It's all about him. You? You are just pawns. Your causes and things you believe in only matter to people like this, if they are going to profit from it. Other than that? They would not even look at you on the street.
As for the Lizard? Don't worry. Just like the Caribou and the Polar Bear, it'll be just fine. I see this more of a lesson to those that actually believe Obama cares about them. He doesn't.
Human Events Online - Obama administration cancels endangered species listing for lizard
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