Hey folks,

Seems Gov. Rick Snyder of Michigan is not convinced that his state is a good one to play with "Green Energy Standards." They passed a standard requires 10% of their electricity to come from "clean energy sources" by 2015, and some what that changed to %25 percent. Now I think he was being PC when he said this..
"Michigan is not necessarily a very good renewable state for wind or solar, relative to some of the states out west or in other parts of the country."
I really do. I think the truth is he looked around. Seriously. Look around. Look at those states that have passed Green Energy Standards. Look at California. Look at those that are not that concerned with it. Look at North Dakota. Look at their economies. Look at unemployment. Look at housing. Look at revenue. Look at the difference.
So he said no thanks. Well, here is a guy, Stanley "Skip" Pruss who is principal at 5 Lakes Energy, LLC, in Lansing. What is 5 Lakes Energy, LLC, in Lansing? They are nothing more than a think tank, lobbying group. They talk. They spin. They get paid to convince private companies that they need to switch to "Green Energy" They try to convince you, that "Green Energy" is the way to go. They do not offer anything. They just talk. After reading what Skip said here, well, I have some questions.
First he opines that Michigan in the lowest standard in the 29 states that have mandated standards. What states? How are they doing? Seriously. Are they meeting that goal? How many people in the state are benefiting from it. How much money is the state spending on it. Is there a payoff? Is it working? On paper, sounds good, but what is the reality?
See folks, MANDATES mean, the states HAVE to use your money. Tax Payer money, to meet that goal. Companies, producing or not, get your money. That's money that adds to the debt of the state, and money that can not be used where it is really needed elsewhere.
Now this next part? Someone want to explain this one to me? Here is what you are going to read. Did you get your electric bill? What was it? Like $200 bucks? You do not have to pay that. You can pay 0.56 CENTS a month. Not kidding. That is what you will read if you just scan over it. Here it is..
Consumers Energy has adjusted the charge for renewable energy steadily downward -- from $2.50 per month for residential ratepayers down to $0.65 per month and then down again to $0.52 cents per month. DTE has also acknowledged that wind energy is much less expensive than anticipated.
Anyone buying this? Seriously? Anyone. If I could meet all my energy needs for 0.52 CENTS a month, I will switch tomorrow. What do I get for that? Oh, he doesn't say. Sounds GREAT though. Does it not? Then this..
Validating the cost effectiveness of clean energy, the Michigan Public Service Commission has determine that wind energy in Michigan costs about 40% less than energy from a new coal plant.
40 percent? What happened to 0.52 cents? {Smile}
This is because innovation has led to dramatic improvements in wind and solar technologies, lowering costs and improving the economics -- a trend that will continue. And because they don't burn fossil fuels, there is zero threat of volatile or escalating fuel costs ratcheting up utility bills.
So what happens when the wind doesn't blow? What are the turbines running on? How many people are actually benefiting from this? How much are they saving? How is it actually working? How many? Whats the number? Who are they? Then he wants to talk about Germany.
Germany backed renewable energy policies aggressively and now gets 17% of its electricity from clean energy sources, with targets of 35% in 2030 and 80% by 2050. The result: 382,000 new jobs in thriving clean energy technology sector and a projected 600,000 jobs by 2020.
Who? Is it 17 percent of the population? Or is it Government? Or is it two or three companies? Who? We don't know. See folks, these numbers are misleading at best. No real facts to back any of this up. 600,000 in 8 years is a great number. But is it real? Projections are great. But they mean little. Remember all those Shovel Ready Jobs if we just pass the stimulus? Where are they? Remember all the jobs for Solyndra? Hundreds of millions of dollars? Where is Solyndra?
I hope that Gov. Rick Snyder of Michigan stays strong here. Taking a gamble on already proven failures is not a wise move in an already hurting economy. That's just not logical or a smart move in anyone's book. But that is liberalism. I can make anything sound good on paper. But where is the prove that any of it is real? There is none.
Detroit Free Press - Guest commentary: Renewable energy works -- and works well -- in Michigan
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