Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Judgement Day In Wisconsin

Back to a normal schedule soon.

Hey folks,

Normally on Tuesdays we talk about Energy. We are going to forgo that this week. One, there is not that much new energy news out there. Two, we WILL discuss the illusion of lower gas prices soon. Perhaps in a day or two. But today is an important day. It's recall time in Wisconsin. What I'm about to tell you is absolutely stunning.

We all know what this recall attempt on Scott Walker is all about. Unions. Unions and the Liberal Party. Money. Re-election funds. A scam. Scott Walker came in, saw the problem, and fixed it. In doing so, he cut the union power and control. He weakened the money flow from unions to the democrat party.  He weakened the union control over private and state employers and the control over worker's pay. The stealing of worker's pay for "political donations."

So of course, they are attacking him. Forget all the things he put in place are WORKING. They are working for the betterment of all Wisconsin's. But they can't have that. So they buses in tens of thousands of protesters. Spend buckets of money. And now are attempting to commit voter fraud and intimidation on the day of the vote.  Even With All THIS, WWW. Walker Wins Wisconsin. That's my prediction.  I do not even think it will be as close as they are reporting it will be. But get this....

WASHINGTON – The Justice Department announced today that it will monitor elections on June 5, 2012, in the following jurisdictions to ensure compliance with the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and other federal voting rights statutes: Alameda, Fresno and Riverside Counties, Calif.; Cibola and Sandoval Counties, N.M.; Shannon County, S.D.; and the city of Milwaukee.
The Voting Rights Act prohibits discrimination in the election process on the basis of race, color or membership in a minority language group. In addition, the act requires certain covered jurisdictions to provide language assistance during the election process. Fresno County, Riverside County and the city of Milwaukee are required to provide assistance in Spanish. Cibola, Sandoval and Shannon Counties are required to provide language assistance to Native American voters. Alameda County is required to provide language assistance to Hispanic, Chinese, Vietnamese and Filipino voters.
Under the Voting Rights Act, the Justice Department is authorized to ask the U.S.Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to send federal observers to jurisdictions that are certified by the attorney general or by a federal court order. Federal observers will be assigned to monitor polling place activities in Shannon County based on the attorney general’s certification and in Alameda, Riverside and Sandoval Counties based on court orders. The observers will watch and record activities during voting hours at polling locations in these jurisdictions, and Civil Rights Division attorneys will coordinate the federal activities and maintain contact with local election officials.
In addition, Justice Department personnel will monitor polling place activities in Fresno County, Cibola County and the city of Milwaukee. Civil Rights Division attorneys will coordinate federal activities and maintain contact with local election officials.
If this was not so serious, and blatantly obvious, it would be funny as hell. But it's not funny. Why is the Federal Government invading Wisconsin for a Governor recall election? We know why. Get this also..
As reported in a previous Water Cooler post Obama Campaign strategist David Axelrod told reporters on Sunday that an "army of lawyers" will be in the Badger state "to protect" the vote during the recall election.
I still predict WWW. I just do. Even with all the games and illegal activity, Walker wins. However, I have NEVER heard of such a blatant show of attempted intimidation by a President or an administration in history. Some people in Wisconsin may feel too uncomfortable to vote. Knowing that Big Brother is watching them, and will be seeing how they voted. They may be asking themselves, "If I Vote for Walker, will I be investigated?" Look at Joe the Plumber for asking a question.

This is absolutely stunning. The arrogance. The outright attempt to influence a State Election? A show of force and intimidation? They do not care folks. This administration doesn't care about the rule of law. They do not care about State Rights. They do not care about YOU. They have an agenda. You get in the way, they will attempt to run you over. They will attempt to destroy you. They have no business in Wisconsin folks. It really is this simple. November can't come fast enough. These thugs need to leave. Yes, I am talking about Obama and crew.

The Washington Times - PICKET: DOJ to monitor Wisconsin recall election

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