We the tax payers, have a right to know.
Hey folks,

I live in Martin Country Florida. All the parents of kids, including myself, are proud of our public school systems. We have ALL A-rated Schools. We have great Teachers. If I want to know my kid's Teachers evaluation, no problem. If I want to know my kid's friend's Teachers evaluation, no problem. Why? Because they are great Teachers that are proud of the work they do. Oh, I'm sure there may be one or two that need improvement. But as a whole, they are doing a great job.
You work for whomever you work for. Hopefully you are working in today's economy. But you are one of say a hundred employees. You are doing a great job and you are rewarded, by praise, money, and or awards. Trophy, plaque, or whatever. What do you do with the award? You display it. Right? Frame the plaque, display the trophy. Right? You want people to know what a good job you are doing.
Let's say a reporter from the local news shows up and says, "We are doing a story on the company, and we want to post your evaluation and over all job performance." You should be, and most would be, proud to have this done. Now you will be in the news, and people will know how good a job you are doing. What's the problem? Who do you think would NOT like this? Yup. Those not doing a good job.
So in New York, tax payers are no longer allowed to find out how their Teachers are doing. They are no longer allowed to know if the Teachers in their Kid's Schools are ineffective. Now there has been quite the uproar over this, so Gov. Cuomo, who introduced the measure, said he would compromise. He said, "Ok, OK. You can know if YOUR kid's Teacher is highly effective, effective, developing or ineffective." That's it. You need not worry about any other Teachers. Of course, this is expected to pass.
ALBANY — The public be damned! The state Legislature is likely to pass a last ditch bill that would prevent the release of teacher evaluations, while letting parents see the ratings only of their kids’ instructors.
The measure, introduced by Gov. Cuomo just before midnight Monday, could pass before lawmakers head home for the year tomorrow, sources said yesterday.
The Democratic-controlled Assembly says it will pass it tomorrow.
Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos (R-LI) said his conference is reviewing the measure.
Mayor Bloomberg, who favors full disclosure of teacher evaluations and has blasted any limitations, declined to comment.Wait. Nanny Bloomberg is even against this? {Laughing} This is all Cuomo? Well, him and the LWL {Left Wing Looneys} that make up the Liberal controlled Assembly. You silly parents. You have no right to know what us smart people are doing. You wouldn't understand it anyway. We know what is best for your kids and you.
I'm going to have to do a new series on Liberalism. I talked about some of this on the old blog. How original Liberalism is today's Conservatism. The New Liberalism is not true Liberalism. The once great Democrat Party is dead. It is completely infested by "Progressives" AKA, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists. The insane fringe, is not the mainstream Democrat Party.
We will do the series on Liberalism. I just decided it. It's coming up soon. Stay tuned. But in a nutshell, they operate, worldwide by the way, with the same SOP. Standard Operating Procedure. First, they actually believe they are superior. They truly believe they are the smartest people on the planet. If you disagree with them, you are just too stupid to understand their brilliance. They believe that they have the "right", being the smartest people on the planet, to dictate to you, how you, need to live your life.
They operate in the shadows. In the dark. In secret. They HAVE to. They know that the majority do not agree with them. They hide. They cut backroom deals. They bribe. They lie, cheat, and steal. They do whatever they need to to get their agendas passed and furthered.
Whenever they are discovered, they do three things. The deny, ignore, then attack. If they know they stand no chance, they deny. No. We are not doing that. No. We do not believe that. Whatever. If they think they have a chance, they ignore. They ignore their critics. They ignore Laws. They even, as we see with this administration, ignore the Constitution. When all else fails, and they really want a particular agenda, they attack. They attempt to silence and destroy their opposition. This is their SOP.
This thing in New York? This is who these people are. Screw you. Yeah we have bad teachers that have no business being in the classroom. But they are there and they are not going anywhere. You have no right to know who they are, or how bad they are doing. How dare you ask us to share information with you. You are nobody. You do not matter. Well, as long as you pay your taxes. Other than that, screw off.
Oh, and you better not even think about buying that Big Gulp.
New York Post - Pols set to block teacher ratings' release By ERIK KRISS Bureau Chief
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