Hey folks,
We have been talking about Pink Slime, for quite some time now. A few people got upset even, that we were talking about it. Some blame the news, mainly ABC, and people like yours truly, for causing a business to close entire plants. They blame people like me for hundreds of people losing their jobs. One person that refuse to allow me to post their comment, even accused me of coming up with the term "Pink Slime." Wasn't me. It was a former USDA scientist, Gerald Zirnstein, who used the term in a 2009 interview by the New York Times. Now did he come up with it? I have no idea. But it is a pretty accurate description.
So since this all hit the news, it has been an incredible story. You folks heard about it. You folks educated yourselves and decided that Pink Slime was not for you. You decided that you did not want dog food. You did not want garbage disguised as meat. You decided you did not want to be lied to anymore. YOU made the decision that you did not want to buy this garbage anymore.
SO? Of course, the demand plummeted. Store staring hearing from customers, they stopped buying meat with LFTB, aka, Pink Slime. Only Wal-Mart and Sam's, that I'm aware of still buy the stuff. You decide where you want to buy your meat from.

Get this, ALL but three. I'll say that again. ALL but three states have decided to discontinue buying and using Pink Slime for schools. So 47 states have said, yeah, no more Pink Slime. Who are the three? Iowa, South Dakota, and Nebraska. Why? I have no idea. I can not find an article that explains why these three have decided to continue to serve their kids dog food. My guess would be the same reason that Wal-Mart and Sam's Club continue to sell it. Money.
Look, I know people that love to eat Chicken Feet. I kid you not. I used to know people that like to suck marrow our of Chicken Bones. I guess, using the argument those that got upset with me, and BPI, the largest producer of Pink Slime used, Chicken is Chicken. Right? They say it all comes from cows. So beef is beef. They even have a website, beefisbeef.com, where they argue this point.
Cow pies come from cows. Cows are beef. So if I bread and deep fry cow pies, can I then call it beef? Comes from cows, does it not? Tendons, ligaments, and the meat, you would not eat, that used to be thrown out, ground up, and treated with ammonia, is NOT beef. Sorry. It's a nonsensical argument to me.
If you are cool with Pink Slime, cool. Buy it. Eat it. Feed it to your kids. If not, then don't. The choice is totally yours. You can buy the argument "beef is beef." You can just blindly except "Lean Finely Textured Beef, is beef. You can imagine that leaner the percentage, the healthier it should be. Right? Or you can do what many others have done, and that is say, uh, no thanks.
If you live in Iowa, South Dakota, and Nebraska, your kiddies are still going to eat this garbage. If you are cool with THAT, then do nothing. It's cool with me if it's cool with you. But if not, you may want to contact your schools in those states, and ask them why they have decided to feed your kids garbage. Just a thought..
Shine - “Pink Slime” Rejected by Most of Nation’s Schools
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