Hey folks,

So things like this should be no surprise. Someone "offends" or "does you wrong" call the government to fix it. We have seen this when a woman didn't get chicken nuggets, or whatever, at McDonald's. She calls 911. She can't get her nuggets, so call the government to fix it.
Well, now it a sandwich. Yup.
A Connecticut man knows how he likes his sandwich, and so does the 911 dispatcher who took his call on Wednesday afternoon complaining about how it was made.
“I specifically asked for little turkey, and little ham, a lot of cheese and a lot of mayonnaise and they are giving me a hard time. I wonder if you can stop by and just …” he said when he called 911 from Greatful Deli in East Hartford on Wednesday afternoon.
You can listen to the full call here.
You really need to listen to this. This guy truly wants the cops {The government} to come to his rescue. He wants them to fix his injustice. There is no doubt the guy is black. The girls are "white" Hispanic? So this is his first thought? Call 911. Where is Al and Jesse? This man was disrespected and discriminated against. He was demanding lots of cheese and lots of mayo. Mrs. Obama would be so proud. But they wouldn't give it to him. Those racists. {Smile}
“You’re calling 911 because you don’t like way that they’re making your sandwich?” the dispatcher asks.
“Exactly,” he said.
“So, then, don’t buy it,” she said.
“I mean, I just want to solve this the right way,” he said. “Her sister made it, but she left. They are playing games with me, so I was just wondering if you could come by,” he said. “I just want it resolved and I want to be able to come back here and get the regular sandwich that I ask for.”
Folks, if this guy came into my sandwich shop and pulled this BS. He would not have to worry about coming back. I would ban him from ever coming again. Turns out the guy ordered 14 Sandwiches then didn't want to pay for them. He would never have to worry about his order in my place again. Police are not filing charges.
Congratulation Rother McLemnon. You are without a doubt, the Idiot of the Week. Here's a tip for ya. You are entitled to NOTHING. No one owes you anything. You ARE responsible for YOU. 911 is not there for your sandwich sanctification. Time to try something new. It's called thinking. Wonder what you would do if you didn't get those chicken nuggets. Call SWAT?
NBC Connecticut - Man Calls 911 Over Sandwich Order
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