Hey Fathers, and all,

We do, from time to time, go to the Emails. In some cases, I turn over the entire Blog to you. The true OPNers out there. You too can become a part of the OPNTalk2 Blog by sending in articles, comments, complaints, or you can even just say "Hi." The Email is, as always, opntalk@gmail.com. I always look forward to hearing from you.
Coming right up today?
Obama De-Facto Amnesty
So to the Fathers out there. I grew up without a Dad. I've told this story before, but we have a lot of new people checking us out every day, so I want to tell it again. With some new perspectives now that I'm a Dad of two Sons.
I grew up without a Father in the house. My Dad left when I was about 13 months old. I grew up being raised by my Grandmother. Do not get me wrong. I would not change a thing. My Mother was in the house, but she was working all day. So Grandma Dot raised me. I had a great childhood. I never really thought of my Dad. Whenever the topic came up, my Mother would talk things about him to paint a picture in my head of an evil guy. When Star Wars came out, I was eight years old. One of my favorite characters, still today, was Darth Vader. I actually pictured Darth Vader being MY Father.
So life goes on. I grow up. There was a knock on my door, when I was 20. I opened the door, and there standing in the doorway was ME. A Six foot one version of me. But it was me. I was looking into a mirror. He is my brother. Now I'm an only child. Turns out, I'm an only child with eight brothers and sisters. This brother, is a Pastor, and told me that he felt lead to contact me and let me know that "our Father" was not doing well. He was at the point of death, and he really wanted to meet me. I said thanks but no thanks. He gave me my Father's address and phone number and say just in case "you change your mind."
So about a month passed. I couldn't get it out of my head. So I called the number. I talked for a bit to my Stepmother, and then I heard my Father's voice for the first time. Actually, kind of sounded like Darth Vader. So we set a date. When I was 21, I met my Father. I'll never forget that first day. I arrived, there was a sign on the door "No Smoking Oxygen in use." So I put out my cigarette, and knocked on the door. "That you son?" "Yup" "Come on in." I opened the door, and there sat my Dad. Oxygen hose in his nose. Cigarette in one hand, beer in the other. I said "You are going to blow yourself up." He said to me, "If I'm going to die, I'm going to die my way."
I do not know what it was. But that moment in time, that first eye contact, it changed me forever. All the hate, anger, hurt, even questions, lifted off me. Gone. He said to me, "Son, I'm sure you have lots of questions. Nothing is off limits. Ask me whatever you want. I will answer it honestly. Of course, it will be up to you to believe it or not." I said, to my own amazement, "Nope. It's a new day. Lets move on from here." And we did.
In the next six years, I got to know my Dad. I realized, I WAS my Dad. In every aspect. From my mannerism, attitude, everything. I'll never forget one day I was visiting, my Dad said, we are going to the Butcher to get some meat for dinner. "Grab the VCR." I said, "Uh OK." I grabbed the VCR. We walked into the Butcher Shop and he came out of the back. "Well, well, Percy. There's no denying he's your Son." My Dad introduced me and the Butcher grabbed the VCR and told my Dad, "You know where everything is." So my Dad went around the counter and cut is own meat. A customer came in, my Dad cut their meat. The Butcher? He fixed the VCR. THAT was TOTALLY me. If I go into a place more than two times, I become part of the family. I kid you not. I would make my own sandwiches in a deli in NY. I would get free pastries from a Bakery. I'm known by name by everyone and every business I frequent. I walk in and the workers will literally jump the counter and make me fresh coffee. Not joking.
My point is this. My Dad was not anywhere around when I was growing up. He had no influence in raising me. Yet, I AM him. Now I am a Father of two Boys. Joshua is going to be 7 next month. Elijah will be 2 in January. I AM involved. One of the mistakes I will NEVER make is NOT being there for them. I just can't do that. I will be there for them as long as I walk this Earth. My Father influenced my life, both when he was not there, and when he was. I will influence my Sons lives, by being there. As we grow as a family, I am learning that my influence is not always intended or planned.
Happy Father's Day to all you Dads out there. Remember, any Joe Schmo can impregnate a Female, but it takes a REAL Man to be a Father. Enjoy your day Dads, and remember, it is up to you, to really deserve it. To my ultimate Father who is in Heaven, Happy Father's Day to you God.
Be right back folks.
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