Hey folks

She was ultimately chosen because of the lesson that can be learned from her. She IS the poster child example of Liberalism.
You see, it really is simple. Card carrying members of the LWL {Left Wing Loonies}, of which she is most definitely a member of, have an agenda. They have an ideology. They think that they are the smartest people on the planet. In most cases, the exact opposite is true. But they do truly believe their own rhetoric.
It also does not matter what else they are. Jew, Christian {Well self professed Christian} Black, White, Rich, Poor, Man, Woman, whatever. If they are Liberals, they are Liberals first. For the most part, they are brain dead sheeple. People that simply follow whatever they are told. They "feel," not think. They are told that they are good people because they care. They are told those that disagree are stupid, and they are far superior than they.
Now those that have a financial stake, or looking for 15 minutes, are those that set the agendas. In their mind, nothing will stop them. In most cases, they actually believe, TRULY believe, that they are right. Liberals attack ANYTHING that goes against their radical agendas. Our Winner is a clear and perfect example.
So last week was Mother's Day. A Long held tradition in this country, and around the world, to celebrate the job Mothers do. In most cases, yes most, Mothers put their own ambitions on hold to devote her total attention to the new born child. They do everything for that child, no matter what what else is going on. They should be treated like a Queen. They should be honored.
So? Anne Romney does an Op-Ed about Motherhood. She used the phrase "crown of Motherhood." Harmless, innocent, truthful. A part of a long time tradition. Right? Nope. Not to the Liberals. To Liberals, Motherhood is a curse. It keeps women from achieving true equality in the work place. It robs women of their freedom. It puts man in a superior place.
Even Obama made a statement that proves what I am saying. He said that he doesn't want his daughters "punished with a baby." He even said that he will "continue our efforts to ensure that our daughters have the same rights, freedoms, and opportunities as our sons to fulfill their dreams." What he was talking about here is to continue his fight to keep abortion legal, and free for all, so that they are not punished with a baby.

"I found that phrase 'the crown of motherhood' really kind of creepy, not just because of its, like, somewhat you know, I mean, it’s kind of usually really authoritarian societies that give out like The Cross of Motherhood, that give awards for big families. You know, Stalin did it, Hitler did it."Seriously? She even called honoring Mothers an “insipid, condescending praise.” Yup. To our Idiot, honoring Motherhood is evil. Sad thing is, she actually believes that she in in the majority in this country. She really does. She think that the majority of the people think that things like honoring your Mother and Father, belief in God, belief in the traditional family, belief in right and wrong, are old fashioned and out of date. She most likely believes that anyone who still holds these values are hicks and in the minority. You couldn't be any more wrong Ms. Goldberg.
Congratulations to you Ms. Michelle Goldberg. For going on national television and calling someone who honors Motherhood equal to that of Hitler and Stalin, you are without a doubt, the idiot of the Week. I do thank you for showing us what you idiots truly believe. For giving us a clear and concise real life example, I thank you. Yeah, don't compare this President and his policies to Hitler or Stalin. But the honoring of Motherhood? Well, I guess it was once called "Mother Russia." Right? So maybe you have a point. Just in case you really are that stupid, that was what we would call sarcasm. Just saying. Most of us DO honor the jobs that Mothers do. Sorry if you do not.
Have a great week folks. See you soon...
Examiner.com - Newsweek contributor compares Ann Romney to Hitler, Stalin on Mother's Day
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