Hey folks,

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We have some things to talk about so I want to get to it. Being Mother's Day today, I, like a lot of you, have some visits to attend, gifts to give, and love to share.
Coming right up...
Happy Mother's Day
All that in just a second. First, I want to be honest with you. Obama and his Gay agenda? I wrote pretty much an entire article about this. Then I decided, you know what? It really doesn't matter. I came to this realization while talking to a very liberal friend of mine on Facebook. I asked a simple question. His answer made me sad.

Oh I had the whole article nearly completed, with links to all the times he said he was against Gay Marriage. All the times he said that he thought Marriage was between a man and a women. The timing of him asking for the repeal of "Don't ask, don't tell." What effect that has had. The links to all the times he or a spokes person said, he has a lot on his plate and the gays will just have to wait.
Then I posted links to all those, some even in the Gay Community, that are calling him out on his new stance. I attempted to point out that he doesn't mean it. I tried to point out that just because he said it, doesn't mean he did anything about it. Or that he WILL do anything about it.
My point is this. "He's evolving." He now sees Gays being treated equally, they should have the same rights as everyone else. That should include Marriage. However, he feels that the states have the right to decide if they will allow it or not. So this is the truth of the matter. It most likely went something like this.
Obama : "We need the Gays. We need all the votes we can get. How do we do this?"
Adviser: "Say you now believe in Gay Rights. And that they should be able to get Married."
Obama: "OK. I will right before the convention."
Adviser: "Oh no. Biden put his foot in his mouth again. Now everyone wants to know now."
Obama "BIDEN!!! Damn it. OK Call a press conference. I'll say it now."
Press Conference: "Hello my gay friends. I'm with you. I have given much thought over this. I now support Gays getting Married."
Reporters, and Talking Heads: "What the???? Obama has said for years he was against it. Well, except for something like 94, when he said he was for it, But for years he said he was against it. Now he needs as many votes as he can get, NOW he is for it?"
Adviser: "Uh, Obama. Many Independents are upset and say they will not vote for you now."
Obama: " Why? Make sure that you get the message out there that I did NOT say I was for a federal dictate, or anything making Gay Marriage Legal in all states. I just said, hey, I'm with ya. I get it. You should be able to be married. But, uh, I'll let the States decide. Nothing is going to change. Now if they vote for me, who knows. Maybe? But let the Independents know that nothing will change. I just have to say stuff like this to get the votes."
Adviser: "But won't the Gays be upset?"
Obama: {Laughing} "Really? They are not smart enough to get it. They want to believe I care so much they will simply accept it. I care. Now go out there and sell them on it."
Folks, the truth is, he did nothing. He said nothing. He will do nothing. I heard a "Gay Leader" or whatever, come out and use the slavery analogy. It would be like Abe Lincoln saying he was all for Freedom of all and equality, yet he would do nothing about it. The states have the right to keep legalized slavery if they want. He doesn't like it, but, you know, not his fault.
Some get what Obama is doing here. However, MANY in the Gay and Lesbian Community, are truly this blind. Nothing I said to my friends sunk in. Nothing I could write here will matter. They TRULY buy into the whole Obama cares thing. It truly makes me sad..
Be right back folks. Going to fill my cup.
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